Fall 2020 letter from Dean David A. Reingold
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts shares his thoughts with alumni, faculty, and students

Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to share this edition of THiNK Magazine with you. In the recent past, many of you have also seen a print edition. This year, we have transitioned to a fully-online, redesigned approach to the magazine. I trust you will enjoy this new look.
Earlier this semester, the College received the exciting news that the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Teagle Foundation have partnered on an initiative modeled on our Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts program. We are humbled that our program has been held up as a model for universities across the country. It is a seal of approval from a federal agency that makes us proud of the innovative spirit of our College. I am grateful to the many faculty and staff across the College who have helped build the program.
I encourage you to read the articles here. Through these stories of alumni, faculty, and students, you will see some of the ways our College engages with the world around us. Whether it is through artistic expression, a multimedia approach to a traditional textbook, or applied class experiences for our students, we continue emerge as a leader. With our particular opportunity as a liberal arts college in one of America’s great STEM universities, we offer much-needed insights as we navigate our fast-changing world.
Thank you for all that you do in support of the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University.
Be well.
David A. Reingold Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts