Spring 2020 letter from Dean David A. Reingold
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts shares his thoughts with alumni, faculty, and students

Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to share the most recent edition of THiNK Magazine with you.
As I write this note, we are nearing the end of a semester at Purdue like no other. I am not in my Beering Hall office. There are no students in our classrooms, no students enjoying the sunshine around the Loeb Fountain in Founders Park.
At the same time, our faculty and staff managed the Herculean task of pivoting all of our classes and student services online for the second half of spring semester. All of our classes have transitioned online with students completing their courses from places all around the world. I am very proud of that effort on the part of our instructors. Our commitment to educating and supporting our students has never wavered, just as our students’ commitment to their studies remains strong.
In this issue of THiNK, we explore the continuing work of our faculty and students and their impact across campus and in the world. We consider the history of our programs and share the ways in which we are growing and adapting to our changing world. And we offer the story of a professor emerita from the College who was tapped by NASA to help name a newly discovered celestial body.
As we all navigate a global pandemic, I hope you take the time to read this issue. As you do, it serves as a reminder of the special opportunities for the liberal arts at Purdue, where our disciplines are enhanced by its rich STEM strengths and where we contribute to the education and research mission of the University in ever-evolving and meaningful ways.
David A. Reingold
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts