Spring 2021 letter from Dean David A. Reingold
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts shares his thoughts with alumni, faculty, and students

Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to share the spring edition of THiNK Magazine.
Nearing the end of this truly memorable academic year, these articles reflect the work of our faculty and staff and the accomplishments of our alumni during these difficult times. That it is a robust set of stories is a tribute to their unfailing effort despite the many uncertainties they have navigated this year.
In this issue of THiNK, you will learn about faculty efforts in the classroom and those that reflect their research as scholars. You will read about the efforts of our alumni of late and from years ago. You will see that this has been a productive and enriching year.
I would also like to thank THiNK Magazine editor, David Ching, for his work in the College. David will be moving into a University role that will allow him to tell even more Purdue stories. I am proud that he began his Purdue career in our College.
Thank you for all that you do in support of the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University.
David A. Reingold
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts