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Computational Social Science Lab

The Computational Social Science Lab at Purdue University focuses on analyzing audiovisual data from sources like television broadcasts and public space camera networks. Led by Dr. Dietrich, the lab aims to be at the forefront of this rapidly developing field, exploring complex social interactions and non-linear relationships across non-traditional data sources.

Governance and Responsible AI Lab (GRAIL)

GRAIL examines the social and ethical implications of AI algorithms in various domains, including criminal justice, education, and healthcare. The lab explores how policymakers understand AI and its impacts, and how government, industry, and civil society are governing AI. GRAIL embraces interdisciplinary research involving both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence (VRAI) Lab

Headed by Dr. Javier Gomez-Lavin, the VRAI Lab utilizes high-end computers to train and analyze machine learning algorithms, as well as virtual reality software to study perception and cognition in virtual spaces. The lab focuses on developing and analyzing language models, exploring new theories to assess AI cognitive abilities, and providing hands-on experience for students in machine learning techniques.