Jessey Nettey

Jessey NetteyJessey

Professional Writing | Department of English
Minors in Psychology and Communications

“I've gone from blogging about gaming to working for a gaming PR firm"

What is your dream job & what do you want to do after graduation?

I'd like to work with Sony doing PR, or a tech company in general. 

What book would you recommend to your best friend? 

Oh, hmm that's tough. I really like the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale!

If you could travel anywhere where would you go and why?

I would probably go to England. I've been there before and I loved being there! It's such a nice place because it is so different but so familiar at the same time! It's also really nice to be able to walk everywhere that you go. 

What are you the most proud of?

I'm pretty proud of how far I've gotten independently. You know, I've gone from blogging about gaming on YouTube and getting 50 to 100 views to working for an actual Gaming PR firm!

If you could only keep five possessions what would they be?

Hmm, my watch, my phone, laptop, my ring, and a phone charger.

What would be the first thing you’d buy if you won the lottery?

A Tesla. Definitely!

What makes your resume stand out?

I think the experience I've had in my field is really important to my resume, because I have done work in the area that I want to go into so it shows my dedication.

Who would play you in a movie?

Michael B. Jordan!

What is one skill you'd like to learn?

I'd like to pick up video editing skills!

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