Global Matrix IV: An International Printmaking Exhibition

January 9 through February 18, 2017
Robert L. Ringel Gallery, Stewart Center, and Fountain Gallery, downtown Lafayette
Purdue University Galleries is proud to present “GLOBAL MATRIX IV,” a contemporary review of fine art printmaking from around the world organized as a traveling exhibition in the U.S. from 2017 to 2019. The first installment of GLOBAL MATRIX was presented at 7 venues from 2002 - 2004. GLOBAL MATRIX II was presented at 6 venues from 2007 - 2008. GLOBAL MATRIX III was presented at 5 venues from 2012 - 2014. To date, the GLOBAL MATRIX exhibits have featured a total of 225 works representing 180 individual artists from 31 countries around the world.
This fourth installment of Global Matrix includes a rich selection of both past exhibitors, whose work shows even greater virtuosity and refinement, and many new artists with intriguing new visions. This year’s exhibit will present a total of 99 images by 75 artists – from a total of 245 submissions. The exhibit will be presented in both the Robert L. Ringel Gallery in Stewart Center and the Fountain Gallery in downtown Lafayette.
After the Purdue exhibition, GLOBAL MATRIX IV will be shown at:
Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio - August 29 to October 8, 2017
Galleries at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio - March 9 to April 21, 2018
GLOBAL MATRIX IV is designed to address the budget challenges currently facing mid-range exhibition venues by presenting a top quality contemporary exhibition in a professional and economical way. Artworks in the exhibit will be matted and glazed to be installed with L-pins, and the rental fee is kept to a minimum to provide only for the cost of a printed catalogue to accompany the display.
Rental fee: $1,000 per venue for rental periods of 6 - 8 weeks, to be applied to the cost of producing a full-color printed catalogue of the exhibition. Each venue will receive 100 copies of the catalogue; additional copies can be purchased at cost.
Shipping: Participating venues will be responsible for arranging shipment and the costs associated with transporting the exhibition to the next venue (US only).
Requirements: About 250 linear feet of exhibition space. Exhibitors must provide adequate insurance during their shipping commitment and while the artwork is in house. Exhibitors are also expected to provide experienced art handlers for installation and a secure, limited-access gallery space.
Contact Craig Martin, director of Purdue Galleries for available schedule dates or for more information: 765.494.3061 or
(image: Edie Overturf (US), "You're Doing That Wrong," etching and woodcut, 2016)