Biological Anthropology at Purdue University
Biological anthropology is the study of the biology and evolution of humans and our closest relatives and implication of this evolution for modern humans and primates. Biological anthropology at Purdue examines the place of humans in natural ecosystems from the broad perspectives of primatology, human biology and bioarchaeology.
Veile Research Group
Primary research interests: life history theory; human reproduction, development and behavior; evolutionary demography; birthing practices and breastfeeding ecology; infancy and childhood; immuono-nutrition, foraging and small-scale farming societies, indigenous health in Latin America.
Remis Research Group
Primary research interests: primate behavioral ecology, the evolution of ape dietary adaptations, ethno-primatology, the animal-human bond, conservation and the environment.
Buzon Research Group
Primary research interests: bioarchaeology, paleopathology, identity, isotope analysis, Nile Valley.
Primate research interests: primate behavior, ecology, nutrition, hunting and food-sharing in great apes, environmental sustainability, wildlife corridors, Senegal, Costa Rica.
We encourage applications for our M.S./Ph.D. program. Interested individuals are invited to contact the Anthropology Graduate Secretary for more information about our program. For more information about specific research programs, please contact the appropriate faculty member. anthropology graduate secretary: mailto: mailto:anthgrad@purdue.edu, (765) 496-7428
Our program includes theoretical and methodological training, coursework and tutorials in quantitative methods, evolutionary theory, history and foundations of biological anthropological thinking, human biology, health and nutrition, primate ecology and conservation, and osteology. Highly qualified graduate and undergraduate students can find opportunities to participate in lab and zoological research on primates in the US or primate and conservation-based field work; laboratory-based analysis of biomeasures associated with health and disease risk; biocultural fieldwork in the understanding of health; laboratory and field analysis of ancient identity, health and disease. Biological anthropology at Purdue is strengthened by links to faculty, resources and courses offered in other departments and interdisciplinary centers across campus, including the Ingestive Behavior Research Center; Center on Aging and the Life Course; and the Purdue Stable Isotope Facility in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science. Our students benefit from interdisciplinary coursework, mentoring by faculty and networking with students in other departments who are also working on related questions.
Links to Related Programs and coursework in other Departments at Purdue.
To learn more about the ecological and environmental work our faculty are involved in, visit www.envanthro.com.