Resources for Current Grads
New Graduate Student Orientation Resources
- Welcome Packet
- Guide to Off-Campus Housing and Living
- Mentoring
- "Modest Advice for New Graduate Students"
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (a useful resource for graduate students, too! Login directions here)
BOOKS and articles TO READ To Prepare for Graduate School
- The Academic Society 10 Must Read Books
- Beginning a Career in Academia: A Guide for Graduate Students of Color
- Dear White Anthropology Grad Students
- Inside Higher Ed 5 Great Reads for Graduate Students
- Navigating Grad School As a Woman of Color
- On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life
- PhDivas
- The Professor is In
- "How to Get the Mentoring You Want"
- "Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Mentor"
- "Questions to Ask of Potential Graduate School Advisors"
Campus Resources and Wellness
- BEAM Common Coping Strategies
- Purdue Co-Rec
- Purdue CARE
- Purdue Counseling and Psychology Service (CAPS)
- Purdue Reporting Hate and Bias
- Purdue Safety Emergency Information
- Purdue Student Legal Services
- Purdue Students with Families
- Purdue Supportive Campus Resources
- Additional ANTH Wellness Resources COVID
COVID-19 Resources
- Guidelines for Working in ANTH Labs & Shared Research Spaces
- Infographic: "Who do I want to be during COVID-19?
Racial Justice Resources
- ABA Statement Against Police Violence
- AAA -- Anti-BIPOC Racism
- AAA: "Race: Are We So Different"
- AAA -- Race and Racism Resources
- AAJC's Bystander Intervention Virtual Trainings
- Ancestors Project -- Anthropology
- Anthropology as White Public Space
- Archaeology in the Time of Black Lives Matter Resource List
- Black Lives Matter -- Purdue University Library Guide
- Citation Matters
- The DecanoniZine - Footnote
- Zora's Daughters
- Teach-in Resources during COVID-19 from Purdue's AAARCC
Teaching Assistant Resources
- Anthropology Teaching Assistant Handbook
- Purdue Teaching Resources
- Purdue - Innovative Learning
- Purdue Facilitating Sensitive Conversations
- Purdue Managing Disruptions in the Classroom
- Purdue OWL
- Purdue Center for Instructional Excellence
- American Anthropological Association Teaching Resources
- Brightspace Tips
- Difficult Dialogues
- Teaching Tools for Ethnography and Anthropology
- Biological Anthropology Section Teaching Resources
- Society for American Archaeology Teaching Resources
- Reading Lists for Decolonizing Anthropology & Beyond
Diversity and Inclusion
- Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC)
- Black Cultural Center (BCC)
- Diversity Resource Office (DRO)
- Purdue Latinx Cultural Center (LCC)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Center
- Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC)
- Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
- Advance - Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success
- Safe Zone Training
- Reporting Bias
- Purdue Office of Institutional Equity
- Purdue Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS)
Sexual Harassment Information
- Purdue Title IX
- Purdue University Sexual Violence Awareness
- Purdue Can Help Resource Card
- Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education
- AAA Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment
- Disrupting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology
- Documenting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology
- Gendered Safety in Fieldwork
- Survey of Academic Field Experiences (SAFE): Trainees Report Harassment and Assault
- SAFE13 Study
- American Anthropological Association Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
- "What To Do About Sexual Harassment"
- Metooanthro
- MeToo Blog Post
- Fieldwork Initiative: Website and Twitter
- Respect and Equality in Fieldwork
- Supporting Students in the Field Seminar
- Using Public Health Interventions to Prevent Harassment in Archaeology
- Wildhub Safety and Support in the Field
- Women for Wildlife
- Book: Harassed
International Students
- Education USA
- Office of International Students and Scholars
- International Student Faculty Guide
- International Student Organization
- International Center - English Classes and Conversation Partner Program
- International Friendship Program
- Oral English Proficiency Program
- Resources for International Students
- International Student Pre-Arrival Information
- Tips for International Graduate Student Parents
- CAPS - International Students and COVID-19
- Professionalism
- Professional Development Offerings at Purdue -- Find Workshops
- "Feedback for Continuation - Keep Doing the Right Things"
- "Practicing Professionalism: A Graduate Student Guide"
- Religious, Ethnic, and Civic Observances
- Conference Poster Templates
- Purdue University Research Repository (PURR)
- AAA Statements on Ethics
- AAA Ethics Resources
- AAA Ethics Forum
- AAPA Ethics
- Collaborative, Reciprocal, and Redistributive Models of Research, Part I [video link]
- Collaborative, Reciprocal, and Redistributive Models of Research, Part II [video link]
- SAA Ethics
- SVA Ethics
- CITI Training
- Responsible Conduct of Research Website
- Graduate School - Responsible Conduct of Research
- Graduate Student Responsibilities
Purdue Library Guides of Interest
- Choosing a Review Type
- Citation Manager at Purdue: Citation Management Basics
- Anthropology Research Guide
- Journals & Database Access
- Data Management and Sharing Plans
- Data Storage at Purdue
- Black Lives Matter -- Purdue University Library Guide
- Department of Anthropology Travel Information
- Anthony Travel
- Protect Purdue Travel Guidance
- Categories of Travel, Allowable Expenses
- International Travel Field Guide - Purdue
- Required Best Practices for Travel
- "What's inside a field researcher's bag?"
- Field Safety Guide
- Anthropology Blogs
- "Introduction: Co-authorship as Feminist Writing and Practice"
- "Where Can I Publish My Research Article?"
Career Information
- Career Exploration and Preparation
- Non-Academic Career Resources
- AAA Webinars
- Big Interview
- Beyond the Professoriate
- Career Closet
- Design Gigs for Good
- Diverse Jobs
- National Career Readiness Commission
- Non-Academic Job Searches
- ACE Food Pantry
- Black-owned businesses, Greater Lafayette
- Black-owned businesses, Indianapolis
- Black-owned businesses general, Official Black Wall Street
- Convention and Visitors' Bureau: Lafayette and West Lafayette
- Find Food: Hoosier Young Farmer's Coalition
- Visit West Lafayette/Lafayette
- Lafayette Online
- Lafayette and West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
- Latino Cultural Center -- Community Resources
- Purdue Student Farm and Boilermaker Vegetable Season Pass
- Religious Organizations and Places of Worship
- Relocating to the area
- Social service agencies and resources
- Fellowship Resources
- Fellowship and Grant Writing Resources (need PUID to log in)
- Fellowship/Assistantship Guide