Conference Schedule
For a downloadable copy of this schedule, please click here.
Friday October 13th - Evening Reception and Keynote (Tippecanoe County Historical Association [TCHA] Community Center & Museum, 533 Columbia St., Lafayette)
- 5:00 – Reception – Cash bar and light hors d'oeuvres.
- 6:00 – 6:30 Introductions and Opening Presentation: J. Colby Bartlett (TCHA) Fort Ouiatenon Past and Present
- 6:45 – 7:30 Keynote: J. David McMahan, (McMahan Consulting, Alaska State Archaeologist, retired) Exploring the Archaeology of Colonial Russian America
Saturday October 14th - Sessions (Stewart Center, Purdue University, STEW 218ABCD)
Mallory Moore, Erika K. Loveland, Michael S. Nassaney, Gary Thompson, and Anne Volpe (Western Michigan University), Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2017 Field Season
Opening Remarks
7:45- 8:00 H. Kory Cooper (Purdue University)
Session 1 Teaching and Interpreting with Things – 8:00-8:40 (4, 10 minute presentations)
Heather Walder (Northern Illinois University), Beads, Lasers, and Chocolate Cakes: Representing Lab-Based Methods and Results in Public Archaeology
Jeri Pajor (Wayne State University), A Hundred Bottles of Beer in the Ground: Excavating Detroit’s Historic Local Beer Industry from Artifacts of Working-Class Households in Roosevelt Park, Corktown Neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan.
Marcela Poirier (Purdue University), Expanding the Classroom through Archaeology: Teaching History in Chavín de Huántar, Perú.
Cathrine Davis (Université Laval), Reviving, ‘Ultima Ratio Regum’: Eighteenth-Century Artillery Carriage Hardware and Interpretation at Fort Ticonderoga
Session 2 Fort St. Joseph and Public Involvement - 8:40-9:10 (3, 10 min presentations)
Joseph Gagné (Université Laval), Reliving History: Historical Re-enacting As a Tool for Teaching Public History
Erika K. Loveland (Western Michigan University), Architectural Remains of Fort St. Joseph (20BE23), Niles, MI
Michael Nassaney (Western Michigan University), Interpreting Fort St. Joseph in the Public Interest: Who Get Left Out?
Roundtable Discussions 9:20-10:40
Each of 7 morning speakers will be assigned to a table. Attendees will be divided into 7 groups/tables. In 10 minute intervals speakers will rotate through the tables allowing for discussion and questions in small groups.
Break 10:40-10:50
Session 3 Fort Ouiatenon Past and Present
10:40-10:55 David Hovde and Del Bartlett (TCHA), History of the Search for Fort Ouiatenon
11:05-11:20 David Hovde (TCHA), Overview of Celebrations at the Feast site 1907-1966
11:20-11:35 Leslie Conwell (TCHA), Reenacting at the Feast
11:35-12:00 Ronald V. Morris (Ball State University), Connecting the Song to the Artifact at the Feast of the Hunters' Moon
Lunch 12:00-1:00
Session 3 (continued) – Fort Ouiatenon Past and Present
1:00-1:15 Vergil E. Noble (National Park Service), Excavations at Fort Ouiatenon, 1968-1979
1:15 – 1:30 Misty Jackson (Arbre Croche Cultural Resources,Symbolism), Nationality, Identity and Gender as Interpreted from an Eighteenth Century Ring from Fort Ouiatenon
1:30-1:45 Terrance J. Martin (Illinois State Museum & Michigan State University), Research on the Use of Animals at Fort Ouiatenon, A French Heritage Archaeological Site in the Midwest
Break 1:45-1:55
Session 3 (continued) Fort Ouiatenon Past and Present
1:55-2:10 Michael Strezewski (University of Southern Indiana) and Robert G. McCullough (Illinois State Archaeological Survey), Recent Research at Fort Ouiatenon, 2009-2017
2:10-2:25 Michael Strezewski (University of Southern Indiana) and Darrin Rubino (Hanover College), Dendrochronological Dating of a Burned Native American Structure at Fort Ouiatenon
2:25-2:40 Diane Hunter (The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma), Overview of Miami Nation Historic Preservation Office, Ft. Wayne, IN.
2:40-2:55 Alexander Couturier, Dakota Hallinin, James Chen, Jordan Edge, Tim McGraw, Esteban Garcia, Nate Hartman (Purdue University), Virtual Reconstruction of Fort Ouiatenon
2:55-3:10 Craig Hadley (TCHA, Executive Director), The Creation and Future of the Ouiatenon Preserve
Break 3:10-3:20
Workshop on the Future of the Ouiatenon Preserve 3:20-5:00
(Michael Nassaney, Western Michigan University, Moderator)
Saturday Evening Reception and Keynote – (Purdue Memorial Union, East and West Faculty Lounge)
- 5:00 Reception – Cash bar, hot and cold hors d'oeuvres.
- 6:00 Keynote Address: Doug Wilson, National Park Service, Interpreting Fur Trade Sites: A View from the Pacific Northwest
Sunday Morning October 15th, 9-12
Bus Tour (capacity 33) of Tippecanoe County Historical Sites - Ouiatenon Preserve and/or some combination of Battleground, Prophetstown, blockhouse/feast grounds.