Marianne Boruch (faculty emerita)
Marinne Boruch is a poet whose work includes eight collections of poetry—Cadaver, Speak and The Book of Hours (Copper Canyon, 2014 and 2011), Grace, Fallen from (Wesleyan, 2008); Poems New & Selected, A Stick that Breaks and Breaks and Moss Burning (Oberlin, 2004, 1997, 1995); Descendant and View from the Gazebo (Wesleyan, 1989 and 1985)--and two books of essays on poetry, In the Blue Pharmacy: Essays on Poetry and Other Transformations (Trinity, 2005); and Poetry's Old Air (Michigan, 1993), as well as a memoir about a 1971 hitchhiking trip, The Glimpse Traveler (Indiana, 2011).
Marinne Boruch is a poet whose work includes eight collections of poetry—Cadaver, Speak and The Book of Hours (Copper Canyon, 2014 and 2011), Grace, Fallen from (Wesleyan, 2008); Poems New & Selected, A Stick that Breaks and Breaks and Moss Burning (Oberlin, 2004, 1997, 1995); Descendant and View from the Gazebo (Wesleyan, 1989 and 1985)--and two books of essays on poetry, In the Blue Pharmacy: Essays on Poetry and Other Transformations (Trinity, 2005); and Poetry's Old Air (Michigan, 1993), as well as a memoir about a 1971 hitchhiking trip, The Glimpse Traveler (Indiana, 2011).
Casey Gray
Casey Gray’s novel, Discount, was published by The Overlook Press in 2015. His shorter work has appeared in Ploughshares, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, This is Bill Gorton, and other places.
Brian Leung
Brian Leung, author of Ivy vs. Dogg: With a Cast of Thousands!, World Famous Love Acts, Lost Men, and Take Me Home, is a past recipient of the Lambda Literary Oustanding Mid-Career Prize. Other honors include the Asian-American Literary Award, Willa Award, and the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction. Brian’s fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry have appeared in Story, Ocean State Review, Numero Cinq, Crazyhorse, Grain, Gulf Coast, Kinesis, The Barcelona Review, Mid-American Review, Salt Hill, Gulf Stream, River City, Runes, The Bellingham Review, Hyphen, Velocity, The Connecticut Review, Blithe House Quarterly, Indiana Review, Crab Orchard Review, and Crowd.
Donald Platt
Donald Platt is the author of six volumes of poetry: Man Praying (Parlor Press / Free Verse Editions, 2017), Tornadoesque (CavanKerry Press, 2016), Dirt Angels (New Issues Press, 2009), My Father Says Grace (Arkansas University Press, 2007), Cloud Atlas (Purdue University Press, 2002), and Fresh Peaches, Fireworks, & Guns (Purdue University Press, 1994). His poems have appeared in many journals, including The New Republic, Poetry, Nation, American Poetry Review, Paris Review, Kenyon Review, Georgia Review, Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly Review, AGNI, New England Review, Salmagundi, Field, Iowa Review, Southwest Review, Southern Review, and Yale Review, as well as in The Best American Poetry 2000, 2006, and 2015. His poems have been republished on the Poetry Daily and Verse Daily websites. He is a recipient of two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, three Pushcart Prizes, and the Center for Book Arts Chapbook Prize.
Donald Platt is the author of six volumes of poetry: Man Praying (Parlor Press / Free Verse Editions, 2017), Tornadoesque (CavanKerry Press, 2016), Dirt Angels (New Issues Press, 2009), My Father Says Grace (Arkansas University Press, 2007), Cloud Atlas (Purdue University Press, 2002), and Fresh Peaches, Fireworks, & Guns (Purdue University Press, 1994). His poems have appeared in many journals, including The New Republic, Poetry, Nation, American Poetry Review, Paris Review, Kenyon Review, Georgia Review, Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly Review, AGNI, New England Review, Salmagundi, Field, Iowa Review, Southwest Review, Southern Review, and Yale Review, as well as in The Best American Poetry 2000, 2006, and 2015. His poems have been republished on the Poetry Daily and Verse Daily websites. He is a recipient of two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, three Pushcart Prizes, and the Center for Book Arts Chapbook Prize.
Sharon Solwitz
Sharon Solwitz’ novel in stories Abra Cadabra won the 2018 Christopher Dohenny Award from the Center for Fiction. Her novel, Once, in Lourdes (Spiegel and Grau 2017) won first prize in adult fiction from the Society of Midland Authors. She is the author of a novel, Bloody Mary, and a collection of stories, Blood and Milk, which won the Carl Sandburg Prize from Friends of the Chicago Public Library, and the prize for adult fiction from the Society of Midland Authors, and was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Her stories and essays have appeared in New England Review, Tikkun, The Missouri Review, The Mississippi Review, Ploughshares, American Short Fiction, Mademoiselle, Tri-Quarterly, The Chicago Tribune Magazine and many others. Reprinted, her work can be found in creative writing textbooks, and in Best American Short Stories and the Pushcart Prize Anthology. Among the national prizes her stories have received are Nimrod Magazine’s Katherine Anne Porter Prize and first prize in American Literary Fiction. Solwitz teaches fiction writing at Purdue University and lives in Chicago with her husband, the poet Barry Silesky. Her website is sharonsolwitz.com.
Sharon Solwitz’ novel in stories Abra Cadabra won the 2018 Christopher Dohenny Award from the Center for Fiction. Her novel, Once, in Lourdes (Spiegel and Grau 2017) won first prize in adult fiction from the Society of Midland Authors. She is the author of a novel, Bloody Mary, and a collection of stories, Blood and Milk, which won the Carl Sandburg Prize from Friends of the Chicago Public Library, and the prize for adult fiction from the Society of Midland Authors, and was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Her stories and essays have appeared in New England Review, Tikkun, The Missouri Review, The Mississippi Review, Ploughshares, American Short Fiction, Mademoiselle, Tri-Quarterly, The Chicago Tribune Magazine and many others. Reprinted, her work can be found in creative writing textbooks, and in Best American Short Stories and the Pushcart Prize Anthology. Among the national prizes her stories have received are Nimrod Magazine’s Katherine Anne Porter Prize and first prize in American Literary Fiction. Solwitz teaches fiction writing at Purdue University and lives in Chicago with her husband, the poet Barry Silesky. Her website is sharonsolwitz.com.