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Spring 2025

Spring 2025 - Department of History
Schedule of Classes

Name Title Instructor Syllabus Day Time Room
HIST 103 Introduction to the Medieval World (15919) Mitchell  Syllabus MWF 3:30 - 4:20p MATH 175
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (16500) Fleetham   MWF 12:30 - 1:20p WALC 2127
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (69202) Fleetham   MWF 1:30 - 2:20p WALC 2127
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (69827) Fleetham   MWF 2:30 - 3:20p WALC 2127
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (57223) Bouquet  Syllabus    -  online
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (69204) Bouquet  Syllabus    -  online
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (69205) Bouquet  Syllabus    -  online
HIST 104 Introduction to the Modern World (69206) Bouquet  Syllabus    -  online
HIST 105 Survey of Global History (23939) de la Fuente   TTh 10:30 - 11:45a MTHW 210
HIST 151 American History to 1877 (20252) Gaarder  Syllabus MWF 10:30 - 11:20a SMTH 108
HIST 151 American History to 1877 (15923) Soucek   Syllabus   online (second-half)
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (15924) Bynum   TTh 4:30 - 5:45p UC 114
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (13458) Logsdon  Syllabus MWF 8:30 - 9:20a WALC 2127
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (66487) Soucek   Syllabus    -  online (second-half)
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (12771) Soucek   Syllabus    -  online (second-half)
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (12773) Lindey   Syllabus    -  online (second-half)
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (12790) Lindey   Syllabus    -  online (second-half)
HIST 152 United States since 1877 (15929) Lindey   Syllabus    -  online (second-half)
HIST 239 History of Russia from 1861 to the Present (24660) Smith   MWF 9:30 - 10:20a WALC 2127
HIST 241 East Asia in the Modern World (15934) Kong   MWF 11:30a-12:20p WALC 2127
HIST 243 South Asian History and Civilizations (23751) Bhattacharya   TTh 9:00 - 10:15a SCHM 122
HIST 272 Introduction to Modern Latin American History (1810-present) (69376) de la Fuente   TTh 12:00 - 1:15p SCHM 112
HIST 284 The Computer Age (24226) Loeb   TTh 1:30 - 2:45p WALC 2127
HIST 302 The Bible and its Early Interpreters (crosslisted Rel, LC) (18521) Dodson   TTh 4:30 - 5:45p SYNC ONLINE
HIST 30505 The United States in the World: 1898-present (13950) Atkinson  Syllabus MWF 12:30 - 1:20p GRIS 102
HIST 30605 Technology and War in US History (69380) Loeb   TTh 4:30 - 5:45p SMTH 108
HIST 30701 History of Artificial Intelligence: Minds and Machines (24166) Mendon-Plasek   TTh 10:30 - 11:45a CRTN 1011
HIST 31305 Medical Devices And Innovation (23581) LaBonte  Syllabus TTh 3:00 - 4:15p STEW 320
HIST 33805 History Of Human Rights (69375) Klein-Pejšová  Syllabus MWF 10:30 - 11:20a BRWN 1154
HIST 344 History of Modern Japan (23587) Wijeyeratne  Syllabus TTh 1:30 - 2:45p WTHR 160
HIST 35205 Death, Disease and Medicine in the Twentieth Century (23576) Kline  Syllabus TTh 1:30 - 2:45p SC 239
HIST 355 History of American Military Affairs (23579) Lande   TTh 12:00 - 1:15p WTHR 320
HIST 36405 Patient Voices in the History of Medicine (23676) LaBonte  Syllabus TTh 12:00 - 1:15p BRNG 1242
HIST 37005 Queens and Empresses in Early Modern Europe (30369) Fish  Syllabus MWF 10:30-11:20a WALC 2127
HIST 376 History of Indiana (25018) Cambron  Syllabus MWF 11:30a-12:20p GRIS 102
HIST 377 History and Culture of Native America (15475) Marsh  Syllabus TTh 3:00 - 4:15p WALC 2127
HIST 383 Recent American Constitutional History (23580) Pitts  Syllabus MWF 9:30 - 10:20a GRIS 102
HIST 38605 Land of the Indians: Native Americans in Indiana (30376) Marsh  Syllabus TTh 4:30 - 5:45p WALC 2127
HIST 387 History of the Space Age (11693) Smith   MWF 10:30 - 11:20a MSEE B012
HIST 395 Junior Research Seminar: Religion on the Move (32829) Fleetham   TTh 1:30 - 2:45p BRNG 1242
HIST 395 Junior Research Seminar: Spanish Habsburgs (1500-1700) (23669) Mitchell  Syllabus MWF 1:30 - 2:20p BRNG 1242
HIST 408 Dictatorship and Democracy: Europe 1919-1945 (24233) Bellisari  Syllabus TTh 9:00 - 10:15a BRNG 1242
HIST 422 Honors Thesis in History Research (24537) Atkinson   MWF  9:30 - 10:20a  BRNG B291 
HIST 439 Communist China (10352) Tillman   MWF 10:30 - 11:20a BRNG 1242
HIST 47005 Women and Health in America (23586) Kline  Syllabus TTh 4:30 - 5:45p BRNG 2291
HIST 495 Senior Research Seminar: The Politics of Decolonization (23852) Bhattacharya   TTh 10:30 - 11:45a BRNG 1242
HIST 499 History Internship (60996)          
HIST 590 Directed Reading in History (23563)          
HIST 595 The Holocaust and Genocide (23582) Klein-Pejšová Syllabus  MWF 3:30 - 4:20p WALC 2127
HIST 601 Humanities and Rise of Higher Education (15395) Zook   M 3:00 - 5:50p BRNG 7150
HIST 611 History: Research Practicum (15500) Maxson Jones   T 3:00 - 5:50p BRNG 1242
HIST 641 History of Science & Technology in East Asia (23709) Wijeyeratne  Syllabus Th 3:00 - 5:50p BRNG 1242
HIST 642 Age as a Category of Analysis (24533) Tillman   W 3:00 - 5:50p BRNG 1242