Credit and Advanced Placement
AP Information
The College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program allows students to establish college credit from results of tests taken at the completion of any high school AP course. This chart— Purdue University: College Board Advanced Placement Credit—provides information about AP credit Purdue accepts and the scores necessary to earn credit. This is effective for students who first enroll at Purdue West Lafayette after March 1, 2011. To summarize the information for history:
If you receive a score of 4 or 5 on the European History exam you will receive 3 credit hours for History 10400 (Introduction to the Modern World).
If you receive a score of 4 or 5 on the World History exam you will receive 3 credit hours for History 10500 (Survey of Global History).
If you receive a score of 4 or 5 on the United States History exam, you will receive 3 credit hours each for History 15100 and 15200 (American History to 1877 and United States since 1877).
If you receive a score of 3 on an AP history exam, you will receive 3 hours of undistributed history course credit. For additional information, please consult the Admissions Office or your academic advisor.
College Credit Courses
Following a student's admission, Purdue's Credit Evaluation Department will evaluate official high school and college transcripts for possible transfer credit. Indiana high school students who take a dual/concurrent credit course within Indiana's Core Transfer Library will receive Purdue credit for that course according to Purdue's transfer credit policies. Generally speaking, Purdue University and the Department of History will accept credit for a college-level history course taken in or outside Indiana if the following criteria are met:
It was earned at a regionally accredited institution.
It is college-level coursework (not remedial or developmental).
The student received a grade of "C-" or better in the course.
For more details about this process, including information about transferring college credit to Purdue and/or earning advance college credit as a high school student, please see Purdue University - Transfer Credit Guidelines.