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POL 40302ISL: Indiana State Legislative Internship

Each spring semester, the Indiana General Assembly awards 50-60 internships. These are competitively awarded and are distributed among the colleges and universities in Indiana. Generally, about 12 Purdue students are chosen. To be eligible, you must be at least a junior and have at least a 3.0 GPA.  Approval for legislative internship credit is contingent upon the student securing a position in the Indiana General Assembly’s Intern Program run by the party caucuses in the House and Senate.

All Indiana State Legislature interns are expected to register for POL 40302ISL for 3 credits (regular grade) and also the on-site Sub-National Government course taught in Indianapolis by a rotating group of universities (POL59000ISL, 3 credits, regular grade). 

Students who would like to earn Capstone credit should also enroll in POL49500ISL for 3 credits (regular grade). 

Students also have the option of adding POL 40300ISL for up to 6 credits (pass/no pass) to allow for full-time enrollment, if needed.



Legislative Internship Director

For more information, contact



  1. Discuss an internship with your academic advisor to ensure you are eligible for credit. Make certain you understand how the credit will count toward your degree requirements.

  2. Obtain an internship through your own search efforts, or receive assistance from a Political Science undergraduate advisor.


Approved Legislative Internships

Indiana Statehouse rotunda and pillars