Lafayette Chamber Singers to Perform Works by Rueff School Faculty Members
Professors Hear Their Works Come to Life
Three members of Purdue’s Division of Music will have compositions featured in a concert Sunday (Nov. 24) by the Lafayette Chamber Singers (LCS). Richard K. Thomas, Allen McCullough, and Bradley Bodine have partnered together with the LCS to have their works presented through a College of Liberal Arts CREATE grant. The CREATE program supports the development of new artistic works emphasizing the need to address the expenses directly related to the research and production and presentation of new creative work.
The fall concert, titled “Moderns & Others,” will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 333 Meridian St. The Lafayette Chamber Singers’ artistic director is Clayton D. Lein. Other composers on the program will be Benjamin Britten, Gerald Finzi, Javier Busto, Paul Hindemith and Eric Whitacre.
Tickets are available online and will be sold at the door as well. The cost is adults, $20; students and 62+ seniors, $15.
About the Purdue composers:
* Richard K. Thomas, professor in the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance, teaches in music, theatre and film and video studies. He specializes in sound design and music composition. He has published extensively about theatre sound and has lectured both nationally and internationally. He developed the separate tracks in sound design, audio technology and audio engineering in Purdue’s Master of Fine Arts program. His composition in this concert is titled “Annabel Lee.”
* Allen McCullough is a continuing lecturer in the Division of Music and an award-winning composer, writing often but not exclusively for the piano. He has collaborated numerous times with major orchestras and ensembles. His composition in this concert is titled “Requiem I: Evening’s Song.”
* G. Bradley Bodine is a continuing lecturer in the Division of Music and music director at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center in West Lafayette. He has received many commissions to write works, and those works are performed at major music festivals. He also is composer in residence at St. Thomas Aquinas and for the Lafayette Symphony Orchestra. His composition in this concert is titled “Salve Regina.”