AD 24200 - Ceramics I
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to ceramic materials and processes used in creating wheel-thrown and hand-formed pottery and sculpture. Emphasis on contemporary interpretations of traditional forms. Freshman and Sophomore students have priority. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 26200 - Jewelry And Metalwork I
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the design and execution of hand-wrought jewelry and metalwork. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 27000 - Constructed Textiles
Credit Hours: 3.00. A beginning class in non-loom constructed textile techniques such as (macram and card-weaving) crocheting, beading, knitting. Emphasis on three-dimensional design in fiber using historical textile structures as the basis for contemporary interpretations. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 27500 - Beginning Sculpture
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introductory course in sculpture, exploring basic concepts, techniques, and materials. Problems in class will emphasize individual student's aesthetic understanding of techniques and inventive use of materials. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 34200 - Ceramics II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Based on the technical skills acquired in AD242, students will choose their focus or combination thereof of hand-building, figurative sculpting and/or wheel throwing. The students is introduced to the theory and practice of glaze making and will learn to fire electric kilns, both bisque and glaze, up to Cone 6.
AD 36200 - Jewelry And Metalwork
Credit Hours: 3.00. Lost wax casting and mold making, mechanisms and stone setting for jewelry and metalwork. Typically offered Fall.
AD 40400 - Moldmaking And/Or Wheel-Throwing Production Techniques In Ceramics
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. This course will teach mold-making from students’ own models, or wheel-throwing (depending on the individual student's interest) with a view to creating ceramic objects suitable for commercial mass-production. Both tableware and/or sculptural objects will be explored. For the wheel-throwing option the students must have at least one year of high school throwing or AD 24200 with a grade of at least "B" or permission of instructor. For the mold-making and casting option only, students must be an Art and Design student or have permission of instructor. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 44200 - Ceramics III
Credit Hours: 3.00. A continuation of A&D 342; according to student needs in creating ceramic forms, a variety of in-depth experiences: experimental kiln building and firing techniques, methods of ceramic construction, surface treatment, such as printmaking on clay, glaze-based printed decals, and clay and glaze formulation. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 46200 - Metalsmithing
Credit Hours: 3.00. Metal forming and metalsmithing processes for small metal objects and jewlery. Typically offered Fall.
AD 47000 - Advanced Studies In Textiles
Credit Hours: 3.00. A textile seminar and studio course in advanced textile design, with the purpose of developing a personal direction and competence in textiles as fiber art. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 66100 - Jewelry and Metalsmithing
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Jewelry and Metalsmithing. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 66900 - Ceramics
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Ceramics. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 67500 - Sculpture
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Sculpture. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 21300 - Life Drawing I
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to drawing the human figure with emphasis upon structure and gesture. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 26500 - Relief Printmaking
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the techniques of woodcut, linocut, collagraph, and related media. Emphasis on fine art conceptual issues, creativity, matting and framing art, and professional practices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 26600 - Silkscreen Printmaking
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the techniques of silkscreen printmaking on paper, including the uses of handmade and light-sensitive stencils. Emphasis on fine art conceptual issues, creativity, matting, and framing art, and professional practices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 30000 - Life Drawing II
Credit Hours: 3.00. Emphasis is given to organizing the figure in pictorial space. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 31400 - Illustrative Drawing
Credit Hours: 3.00. Individual development of student's drawing abilities and skills at intermediate and advanced levels, emphasizing illustration and drawing as primary means of expression. Typically offered Spring.
AD 36500 - Intermediate Painting
Credit Hours: 3.00. A studio course concentrating on the development of conceptual and technical skills of painting. This course is designed to help individual students gain a greater awareness of their personal creative goals and to foster means of expression. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 36800 - Etching and Intaglio Printmaking
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the techniques of etching, engraving, aquatint, drypoint, collagraph, monoprint, and related processes. Emphasis on fine art conceptual issues, creativity, matting and framing art, and professional practices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 36900 - Lithographic Printmaking
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction to the techniques of stone and plate lithography. Emphasis on fine art conceptual issues, creativity, matting and framing art, and professional practices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 40000 - Advanced Painting
Credit Hours: 3.00. A studio course concentrating on the development of an advanced body of work built upon the conceptual and technical skills of painting. This course is designed to help individual students gain a greater awareness of their personal creative goals and to foster means of expression. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 46800 - Printmaking III
Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of the techniques of photo plate lithography and photo etching, with continued advanced studies in lithography and etching/intaglio. Emphasis on color printmaking, fine art conceptual issues, creativity, matting and framing art, and professional practices. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 49900 - Studio Arts Professional Practice/Senior Exhibition
Credit Hours: 3.00. A study of professional practice in the contemporary art world: ethics gallery, exhibition, studio practice, writing, visual documentation, and the business of art. Seniors meet throughout spring semester to organize, install, and de-install Fine Arts Senior Exhibition. Typically offered Spring.
AD 55000 - Research Methods in Art and Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. An intensive course in research methods to assist students in developing a topic for directed study. Introduction to various research tools; exercises exploring issues of style, content, and organization; research methods and how they pertain to art and design. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall.
AD 55800 - Directed Project Research in Studio Arts
Credit Hours: 1.00 to 3.00. Initial M.F.A. project research and production in studio arts. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
AD 60000 - Painting
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Painting. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 60300 - Theory in Art Seminar
Credit Hours: 3.00. Study of critical issues in modern and postmodern art and relevant methodologies: formalism, iconography, biography and autobiography. Marxism (cultural studies), semiotics, and psychoanalyses. Elements of contemporary professional art practice discussed, including writing of artists' and designers' statements, biographies, and resumes. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.F.A. program in Art and Design. Permission of department required. Typically offered Spring.
AD 61300 - Drawing
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Drawing. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 61400 - Graduate Installation and Critique
Credit Hours: 3.00. A seminar for all graduate students in the studio arts incorporating the process of installation art to facilitate the exchange of ideas and professional criticism. Typically offered Fall Spring.
AD 65800 - MFA Project Research in Studio Arts
Credit Hours: 1.00 to 6.00. Intensive M.F.A. project production and thesis research in studio arts. Prerequisite: Three credit hours of AD 55800 with a minimum B- grade. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
AD 66500 - Printmaking
Credit Hours: 3.00 to 6.00. Printmaking. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 69700 - MFA Graduate Exhibition
Credit Hours: 3.00. Completion of M.F.A. thesis, oral defense, gallery installation of M.F.A. exhibition, public presentation, and documentation of exhibition. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.F.A. program in Art and Design. Concurrent Prerequisite: Must complete 12 credit hours of AD 65800 or 66800 during the same or prior session. Only open to M.F.A. graduate students in Art and Design. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Summer Fall Spring.
AD 69800 - Research MA or MFA Thesis
Credit Hours: 1.00 – 18.00 Credit hours. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AD 11700 - Photography I: Black and White Processes and Aesthetics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introductory course in sliver-based photographic processes and creative image making. Emphasis is on the development of camera and darkrooom techniques, and fostering critical thinking skills related to the traditions and aesthetics of black and white photographic practice. Typically offered in Fall and Spring.
AD 11900 - Photography II: Color Imaging and Studio Practice
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introductory course in creative use of color photographic processes and studio practices. Emphasis is on the acquisition of camera, studio and digital printing skills which enable students to successfully perceive and structure images reflecting color's formal, symbolic, and emotional impact. Typically offered in Fall and Spring
AD 23600 - Lighting Fundamentals for Photography
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introductory course in understanding electronic strobe lighting. Begins with a review of basic lighting principles and a series of problem-solving assignments, which introduce control, and applications of electronic strobe lighting. Still life photography and portraiture are emphasized and covers on-location lighting. Typically offered in Spring
AD 26700 - Digital Media I: Photography and Digital Imaging
Credit Hours: 3.00. Intermediate course in the creative generation and digital enhancement of photo-related imagery. Emphasis is on the development of constructed images and critical thinking skills, as well as fostering an awareness of pertinent theoretical issues. Typically offered in Fall
AD 25100 - History of Photography I
Credit Hours: 3.00. An introduction of the history of photography from the medium's inception until the start of the digital era. Typically offered in Fall
AD 30701 - Contemporary History of Photography
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction of the contemporary history of photography. Emphasis is on understanding current culture of photography since the digital revolution, 1980s. Emphasis is placed on understanding photographs from a variety of aesthetic, social, and cultural perspectives, including those of race, class and gender. Typically offered in Spring.
AD 33100 - Digital Video Production and Aesthetics
Credit Hours: 3.00. Introduction to video as an art medium. Approaches include making narrative, experimental, music video and commercial video. Students gain profiency in technical and conceptual aspects of the medium through shooting exercises, production workshops, digital editing, and group critiques. Typically offered in Fall.
AD 33700 - Commercial and Professional Practice in Photography
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course introduces students to the skills necessary to attaining entry-level employment in the photographic field and familiarizes students with the vocabulary, procedures, and working realities specific to occupations in the field of photography in the areas of photo-journalism, magazine illustration, advertising/web design, and fine arts. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall.
AD 36300 - Documentary Photography
Credit Hours: 3.00. Through a series of projects, readings and discussions we will work toward a definition/understanding of documentary photography. We will investigate the history of documentary photography and discuss how it has changed, and has been changed by the greater photographic community. Typically offered Spring.
AD 38100 - Fine Art Photographic Printmaking and Artist's Book
Credit Hours: 3.00. An intermediate level course in fine art photographic printmaking, portfolio production, and integration of image with text. Students will explore camera formats, presentation issues, and bookmaking techniques. Special emphasis placed upon the creative process. Prerequisites: Acceptance into Photography and Related Media program by successful performance in the mandatory portfolio review. Typically offered Spring.
AD 42100 - Advanced Studies in Photography
This course allows students to explore photographic process, presentation and visual dialogue based on their personal interests and future goals. Critique sessions are designed to better thinking and verbal skills as well as final portfolio development.
AD 23300 - Electronic Media Studio
Introductory class to artistic practices on the computer. Students create stop frame animations, soundscape compositions, basic interactive audio-visual systems, and learn to connect their own work to historical and contemporary contexts in the field of new-media art.
AD30400 Video Art
Introduction to digital video as a creative medium for artistic expression. Students record, digitize, edit and distribute digital video content and explore the artistic potential of postproduction techniques, such as compositing and chromakeying.
AD 32600 - Physical Computing
Introduction to electronics, sensors, motors, microcontrollers and creative coding for artists. Students learn to create expressive audiovisual systems that can respond to events in the physical world (movement, light/temperature change, sound, touch, etc.) through custom interfaces.
AD 33400 - New Media Culture
This course provides a historical overview of the socio-cultural impact and artistic applications of new media. Through research and project-based assignments students respond creatively and critically to the material culture and social issues related to digital technologies and their historical precedents - from magic lanterns to videogames, from knitting to hacking, from community to surveillance (and beyond).
AD 41700 - Variable Topics in Electronic and Time-Based Art
Examination of thematic or specialized topics reflecting recent developments and contemporary artistic practices in Electronic and Time-Based Art. The format of the course is a mixture of screenings of existing work, discussion, workshops and critiques. In the past, this course has been offered with the following topics: Robots, Art and Culture; Augmented and Virtual Reality Art; Fashion, Art and Technology.