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Research Paper Requirements

 Baroque Art AD 380  -  2018

 The Research Paper should be 10 to 15 pages (of text) in length, double-spaced, printed on one side only and must have:

 1.       A title page, stating the title of the paper, the course name, your name, and the date.  An illustration of your painting could be included on this first page. Your title should include the name of your painting and the name of the artist, as well as the historical topic.

 2.       Footnotes, or in-text citations – you can use MLA style with parentheses containing the author’s name and the page numbers where the information can be found. I check the validity of your sources, and must have the page numbers showing where to go. See the OWL website for more detailed information as to correct format:

 Footnotes are necessary because you must give credit to other people’s ideas or you will be guilty of PLAGIARISM, which is a form of academic dishonesty.


Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class.  A student who plagiarizes will receive an F for the paper and will be reported to the Dean of Students.  According to the Purdue website:



                Plagiarism is a special kind of academic dishonesty in which one person steals another person’s ideas or words and falsely presents them as the plagiarist’s own product.  This is most likely to occur in the following ways:

 -          using the exact language of someone else without the use of quotation marks and without giving proper credit to the author

-          presenting the sequence of ideas  or arranging the material of someone else even though such is expressed in one’s own words, without giving appropriate acknowledgement

-          submitting a document written by someone else but representing it as one’s own

3.       A works-cited page, which is an alphabetical list (according to the author’s last name) of all the sources you actually used in your paper, with complete bibliographic information, including publisher, date, etc.

 4.       Illustrations of all of the art works discussed in the paper, properly identified with figure numbers, artist’s name, title, date, medium, size and location of the work.

 5.      Your Annotated Bibliography should be included at the end of your paper.

For information about how to write an academic Research Paper, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab website:     

The Oral Presentations will be about 10 minutes long, accompanied by Power Point images.  This will be a shortened version of your paper, demonstrating your thesis and conclusion to the class.  These will take place on April 19, April 24 and April 26. 

Attendance at the Oral Presentations class periods is required of all students.

Wikipedia and other general online encyclopedias can be useful to gather preliminary information, but are NOT to be cited as serious references in your paper.

Failure to complete a research project will result in a grade of F for this course.