'Serial Thinking': The Zeuxis Group
February 04, 2002 through March 10, 2002
Robert L. Ringel Gallery, Purdue Memorial Union

Serial Thinking: The Zeuxis Group will bring a large group of modern still life paintings to the Robert L. Ringel Gallery, from February 4 through March 10, 2002. The theme of this touring exhibit asks for each artist to present multiple images of an object or type of object either in a single painting or in a series of canvases.
Zeuxis is an association of still life painters based in New York who exhibit together with invited guests. Their name comes from the ancient Greek still life painter of Pliny's Natural History who produced a picture of grapes that was so realistic that birds flew up to it.
Come to the Ringel Gallery for a Brown Bag lecture on Wednesday, February 6 at 12 noon. Elizabeth Menon, Assistant Professor of Art & Design, will discuss the nature of the still life genre of painting as well as the works on display.
Join us for the opening reception in celebration of this exhibition on Thursday, February 7, 4:30-6:00pm in the Ringel Gallery.