Asian Studies Courses
Spring 2024
CHNS 102 Chinese Level II
(4 credits; only distance available)
A continuation of the study of elementary Mandarin. Students will complete study of basic syntactical patterns. Character recognition will be built to 500.
Instructor: Chien-Min Kuo
CHNS 202 Chinese Level IV
(4 credits; five hrs/wk M-F 10:30 and 11:30)
A continuation of the study of intermediate Mandarin. Development of enhanced oral narrative skills and listening comprehension skills through audio-visual supplements. Short exercises in expository composition. Character recognition built to 1,100-plus. Introduction to Chinese newspaper.
Instructor: Chi-Ying A. Wang
CHNS 241 Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literature
(3 credits; three hours/week MWF 12:30-1:20)
An introductory class on the reading and discussing of Chinese literary texts, classical and modern, readings are in Chinese and English. At least 3 years study of Chinese recommended.
Instructor: Daniel Hsieh
CHNS 280 Special Topics: Chinese Culture
(3 credits; three hrs/wk TTh 9:00)
Selected topics on Chinese civilization and culture including history and geography, Confucianism, contemporary China, education, family, international cultural and economic cooperation. Course materials also cover most current issues on and in Chinese-speaking communities. Lectures in English.
Instructor: TBD
CHNS 281 Introduction to Chinese Food Culture II
(3 credits; three hrs/wk TTh 1:30-2:45)
Selected topics on Chinese food history, production, preparation, festivals, as well as food in literature, film, business and folk beliefs. Discussion will also include civilization and food as cultural diplomacy. Lectures in English.
Instructor: Wann, Ai-Jen
CHNS 285 Chinese Calligraphy
(1 credit; one hr/wk W 4:30-6:20)
Principles and techniques of writing Chinese characters. The aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy, its function as an art form, and its role in Chinese culture. Emphasis on training and practice in calligraphic writing. Conducted in English.
Instructor: Ai-Jen Wann
CHNS 302 Chinese Level Vi
(3 credits; three hrs/wk MWF 1:30-2:20)
Continued development of Chinese speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, using materials dealing primarily with everyday life and civilization from a variety of sources with stronger emphasis on authentic texts, e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, recent literature, etc.
Instructor: Zhengyu Tang
CHNS 341 Chinese Literature I: Reading and Writing Practice
(3 credits; three hrs/wk TTh 1:30-2:45)
Reading and discussion of selected classical Chinese texts from major writers and genres. Introduction to methods of literary criticism as applied to Chinese literature. Texts, discussion, and written assignments are largely in Chinese.
Instructor: Hsieh, Daniel
CHNS 402 Chinese Level VIII
(3 credits; three hrs/wk MWF 10:30-11:20)
Further development of Mandarin Chinese speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Materials will include advanced textbooks and original texts such as newspapers and literary works.
Instructor: Wang, Chi-Ying A.
CHNS 594A Modern Chinese Theater
(MW 2:30-3:20)
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 101D Japanese Levei I
(4 credits; Distance only available)
A basic study of standard Japanese. Students will be introduced to spoken and written forms of the language from the beginning. Language form and use are equally emphasized. Relevant cultural aspects. Hiragana, Katakana, and 85 Kanji.
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 102 Japanese Level II
(4 credits; MWF 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 1:30)
A continuation of the study of elementary Japanese. Task-oriented activities will be incorporated to encourage language use as well as pattern practice for linguistic accuracy. Relevant cultural aspects will be introduced. 120 Kanji.
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 201D Japanese Level III
(4 credits; Distance only available)
A study of intermediate Japanese. Occasional use of authentic materials for listening and reading practice. Task-oriented exercises, communicative activities, and pattern practice are used to facilitate learning of the spoken and written language. 110 Kanji.
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 202 Japanese Level IV
(4 credits; MWF 7:30, 1:30 and 2:30)
A continuation of intermediate Japanese. Active use of authentic materials for listening and reading practice. Task-oriented exercises, communicative activities, and pattern practice for learning of the spoken and written language. 150 Kanji.
Instructor: Ishii, Marina
JPNS 241 Introduction to Japanese Literature
(3 credits; MWF 2:30)
Reading and discussion of selected Japanese poetry, prose, and drama; introduction to methods of literary criticism, applied to the reading of Japanese literary discourse. Texts, discussion, and written assignments largely in Japanese.
Instructor: Bassoe, Pedro
JPNS 280 Introduction to Modern Japanese Civilization
(3 credits; MWF 4:30)
A survey of modern Japanese culture. Various aspects are covered, such as geography, economy, society, the political system, family, education, traditional arts, business, and language. Current issues will be discussed in a timely manner. Lectures in English.
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 302 Japanese Level VI
(3 credits; MWF 8:30 and 1:30)
Continued development of Japanese speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, using materials dealing primarily with everyday life and civilization in Japan from a variety of sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, TV, recent literature, etc.). Conducted primarily in Japanese.
Instructor: TBD
JPNS 341 Japanese Literature I: Modern Japanese Literature
(3 credits; MWF 4:30-5:20)
Selected reading of poetry, drama, and fiction of modern Japanese literature. Students will read and discuss major authors and texts and will write critical essays on literary topics. Conducted largely in Japanese.
Instructor: Bassoe, Pedro
JPNS 363 Relationship of Japanese Language and Society
(3 credits; TTh 9:00-10:15)
This course examines the Japanese language with reference to the way the language is being used in the Japanese society. Particular areas include keigo (honorific language), aizuchi (backchannel), silence, gender issues, in-group vs. out-group.
Instructor: Wei, Mariko
JPNS 402 Japanese Level VIII
(3 credits; MWF 12:30-1:20, 3:30-4:20)
Instructor: Ogiuchi, Sayuri
JPNS 490 Japanese Translation
(3 credits; TTh 12:00-1:15)
Instructor: Fukada, Atsushi
JPNS 594 Teaching Japanese Literature
(3 credits; TTh 3:00-4:15)
Instructor: Bsssoe, Pedro
JPNS 596J Language Acquisition
(3 credits: T 4:30-7:20)
Instructor: Cuza-Blanco, Alejandro
JPNS 596N Int/Adv Japanese Pedagogy
(3 credits; TTh 10:30-11:45)
Instructor: Wei, Mariko
JPNS 698 Research MA Theseis
KOR 101 Korean Level I
(3 credits; MWF 2:30, 11:30. Distance also available)
This course is the first half of the Elementary Korean language sequence. It is designed for those who have no prior (or very limited) knowledge of Korean. Lecture will introduce new material and explain conversational patterns considering grammatical, lexical, and pragmatic aspects of Korean. Some class meetings will be conducted entirely in Korean. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, students will be exposed to everyday life contexts (e.g., language use, culture, etc.) likely to be encountered in contemporary Korean society.
Instructor: TBD
KOR 102 Korean Level II
(3 credits; MWF 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 and 2:30)
This course is the second half of the elementary Korean language sequence. As a continuation of KOR 10100, the main purpose of this course is to expand on the study of the Korean language and culture. The class will introduce new material and explain conversational patterns considering grammatical, lexical, and pragmatic aspects of Korean. Some class meetings will be conducted entirely in Korean. Students continue to learn vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and the writing system by practicing Korean to achieve Novice High level of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
KOR 202 Korean Level IV
(3 credits; MWF 10:30 and 11:30. Distance also available)
his course is the second half of the intermediate Korean language sequence. The main purpose of this course is to expand on the study of the Korean language and culture, and develop an Intermediate Mid proficiency level. Some class meetings are conducted entirely in Korean. The course provides students with further conversational and grammatical skills. Students practice reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and conversation using textbooks and authentic materials for introduction of Korean culture and authentic language usage.
Instructor: TBD
KOR 302 Korean Level V
(3 credits; MWF 11:30)
This course aims to help students develop their language skills in four areas-speaking, listening, reading, and writing-in Korean at the advanced level. It covers grammar and vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency, conversation manners, and public speaking. Emphasis will be on the appropriate use of Korean in a variety of situations including schools, companies, and formal/informal meetings. This course also enables students to understand Korean culture and history and to develop cross-cultural insights by comparing Korean society with US society. Korean history, image of Korea, and current social trends in Korea will be discussed for a solid understanding of Korean culture in which Korean language is embedded.
Instructor: Jungeun A. Kim
KOR 330 Introduction to Korean Cinema
(3 credits; MWF 1:30)
instructor: Huai-Rhin, Kim
This course examines Korean society and culture through cinematic representations. Through film, the course provides a broad understanding of the major social and political changes in Korean society, as well as a brief history of Korean cinema and the transformations in the structure of the Korean film industry. Students will learn to identify major directors such as Park Chan-wook, Lee Chang-dong, and Bong Joon-ho, films, and genres. All films will be screened with English subtitles.
Instructor: Huai-Rhin, Kim
ANTH 392 Anthropology of Asia & the Asian Diaspora
(3 credits; TTh 9:00-10:15)
This course introduces the diversity of Asia and its peoples at home and in the diaspora. Through fiction, ethnography, films, and art, students will reflect on race, sex, power, migration, etc., that shape perceptions about Asia and Asians. Students will have the opportunity to develop their interests and creative practices by engaging with the course materials in their preferred form: poetry, illustration, short video, text-based response, etc.
Instructor: Dr. Dada Docot
HIST 240 Premodern East Asia
(3 credits; TTh 1:30-2:45)
Instructor: Huiying Chen)
HIST 339 Premodern China
(3 credits; MWF 2:30-3:20)
Instructor: Margaret Tillman
HIST 395 Junior Seminar in Historical Methods
(3 credits; TTh 1:30-2:45)
Instructor: Margaret Tillman