Call for Papers & Posters

Submissions Due: January 31, 2025

Political Communication, Congress, & the Presidency”

Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement

Purdue University

2025 Research Conference

The Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement (CCSE) at Purdue University announces the call for papers and posters for the national CCSE Research Conference on October 20-22, 2025. The theme is Political Communication, Congress, & the Presidency. 

During this conference scholars from a variety of fields have presented papers that incorporate a wide range of content from the C-SPAN Archives. This year we are expanding presentations to include papers and posters. There are so many new ways that political leaders are using communication techniques, so we invite papers and posters that emphasize the theme of Political Communication, Congress & the Presidency. All projects chosen for presentation must utilize the C-SPAN Video Library for analysis.    


Accepted papers and posters will be presented at the national CCSE Research Conference. Each accepted paper will receive a stipend of $1,500* and each accepted poster submission will receive a stipend of $500*.  Edited papers and poster abstracts from this conference will be reviewed by our editorial board and final, edited copies will be published in The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research. 

Papers from the previous conferences are available to download for free at Participants are encouraged to consult previous volumes and papers for ideas and citations. Participants also are encouraged to use the C-SPAN Archives’ Application Programming Interface (API) to extract text and data from the Archives.    


Faculty, independent researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. 


To submit a proposal, go to Proposals must be submitted by January 31, 2025. 

Proposals for papers should be approximately 3,000-4,000 characters and should include research questions, thesis, main points, methodology, and conclusions as well as a copy of your CV.  Additionally, proposals should include an overview of the C-SPAN content (text, video, or audio) to be used as the basis for research. 

Proposals for posters, which may be completed research or research-in-progress, should be around 3,000-4,000 characters. Proposals should include your research questions, thesis, main points, and conclusions and include a copy of your CV. Additionally, proposals should include an overview of the C-SPAN content (text, video, or audio) to be used as the basis for research. 


The CCSE Research Conference will be hosted using an online format and offers free registration. The conference will run from early afternoon to early evening and will include a variety of interactive sessions and networking opportunities with leading academics and scholars. More information about the conference will be available later this spring. 


The Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement is part of the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University and promotes the use of the C-SPAN Video Library in research and course development. The C-SPAN Video Library offers over 270,000 hours of video, audio, and text content. 


For questions about paper submission, please contact Professor Robert X. 

For general questions about the 2025 Research Conference, please contact CCSE Managing Director Andrea Langrish,  

* Stipends will be provided after: 

  • each accepted paper has been presented at the conference and a final edited version of the paper has been submitted and accepted for publication 
  • accepted poster has been presented at the conference and a final edited version of the poster abstract has been submitted and accepted for publication 

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