5-Minute Challenge
The 5-Minute Challenge is a lightning-paced 5-minute presentation contest with competition tracks for Communication or Political Science. Students will supercharge their critical thinking, presentation and research skills. Winners are awarded $500 prize and every eligible competitor takes home a $100.
What’s Trending
Eligible students select and compete in only ONE of the competition tracks – communication or political science – and will choose a concept or theory from the selected academic track for their presentation.
Presentation must:
- be 4-6 minutes in length
- include two video clips from the C-SPAN Video Library that illustrate the concept or theory
- clips will demonstrate a clear understanding of the concept or theory at work
- clips should not exceed 20 seconds each or 40 seconds combined length
- include a final slide with source citations formatted for the selected academic track
- APA for Communication track
- APSA for Political Science track
- be based on concept or theory from the selected academic track
- concept or theory must be clearly stated and defined
- All qualified contestants who attend one help session or pass the C-SPAN Video Library quiz with a 100% score and prepare and present in-person at the competition a 5-minute presentation on a concept or theory from their chosen competition track will receive $100.
- Winners receive an additional $500.
- All applicable prize money will be disbursed directly into each competitor’s Bursar Account.
C-SPAN Video Library How To Document:
Presentation Training: Purdue Presentation Center helps Purdue students with preparing for or delivering a presentation:
Video Examples of Competition: Center for C-SPAN YouTube
Eligible students select and compete in only ONE of the competition tracks – communication or political science.
COMMUNICATION – You must be a full-time Purdue University undergraduate and meet ONE of these criteria:
- be a COM Major or Minor or
- have taken a COM course in Spring 2023 or Fall 2024 or
- be currently enrolled in a COM course
POLITICAL SCIENCE – You must be a full-time Purdue University undergraduate and meet ONE of these criteria:
- be a POLSCI Major or Minor or
- have taken a POLSCI course in Spring 2023 or Fall 2024 or
- be currently enrolled in a POLSCI course
Application Submission
Eligible students select and compete in only ONE of the competition tracks – communication or political science – and will choose a concept or theory from the selected academic track for their presentation.
Your submission must include:
- completed application
- the concept or theory about which you will be presenting
- types of C-SPAN Videos that demonstrate the concept or theory at work
Political Science Application & Competition Date
Political Science Application:
Application Due: October 4, 2024
Competition – October 23, 2024
Communication Application & Competition Date
Application Due: March 13, 2025
Competition – April 9, 2025