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Erin Moodie

Erin Moodie

Research Focus

Greek and Latin Literature

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Erin K. Moodie earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. She specializes in ancient comedy and satire and has published articles on Aristophanes, Plautus, Terence, and Juvenal. Professor Moodie is the author of Plautus’ Poenulus: A Student Commentary (University of Michigan Press, 2015), which won the 2018 Ladislaus L. Bolchazy Pedagogy Book Award from the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. She is currently working on two books: one about Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae for the Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions series and another about subversive metatheater across ancient Greek and Roman comedy.




Greek and Latin Literature, especially comedy and satire.