Matt Hauske
- Assistant Teaching Professor // Cornerstone
- Assistant Teaching Professor (by courtesy) // Film and Video Production // Rueff School
- Assistant Teaching Professor (by courtesy) / Film & Video // Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance
Office and Contact
Room: BRNG 2274A
Email: mhauske@purdue.edu
Matt Hauske received his Ph.D. in Cinema and Media Studies from the University of Chicago in 2015. His research focuses on midcentury American cinema, with a particular emphasis on the ways the Hollywood Western influenced and interacted with broader trends in material culture, leisure, and politics. He is also interested in examining cinema and other cultural forms through the lenses of critical theory, psychoanalysis, political economy, settler colonialism, and ecology. He has taught courses in film history, film theory, and communication at the University of Chicago, DePaul University, Loyola University Chicago, and Colby College.