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Lindsay Hamm

Lindsay Hamm

  • Assistant Teaching Professor // Sociology
  • Assistant Teaching Professor // Cornerstone

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Room: BRNG 1118


Phone: 765-496-3830

Lindsay Hamm earned her PhD in Sociology from North Carolina State University in 2018. She joined the Purdue Sociology department in 2017 as a Continuing Lecturer and moved into a Teaching Assistant Professor position in 2022. Her research is focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning. She is currently working to create and train an artificially intelligent (neural-network-enabled) grader to give students feedback on early drafts of written assignments. The project is creating a deliverable while researching student and instructor perceptions of working with AI and pinpointing where biases enter the feedback and grading processes. 


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Service Learning, Human Interactions with Artificial Intelligence