Petronio Bendito
- Associate Professor // Art and Design // Rueff School
- Associate Professor // Visual Communications Design // Rueff School
- Associate Professor / Art & Design / Visual Communication Design // Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance
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AD 31800 - Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. Fundamental issues of interactive multimedia design: interface design and experience design from a visual communications perspective. Typically offered Fall.
AD 31900 - Web Design for Visual Communications
Credit Hours 3.00. Introduction to web-based design from a visual communications application. Typically offered Spring.
AD 61100 - Advanced Web Design for Visual Communications Design
Credit Hours: 3.00. Explores experimental interface design issues and surveys emerging and advanced theories of interface design for the Web. Application of motion graphics design principles and design experimentation is a part of the curriculum. Prerequisite: Admission to the MFA program in Art and Design. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall, Spring.
AD 61200 - Color Aesthetic and Research
Credit Hours: 3.00. Explores color aesthetic based on the works of color masters (e.g. Albers, Itten, Chevreul, Birren, Munsell, and Ostwald) and contemporary color research issues applied to art and design. Color research methodology will be addressed. Prerequisite: Admission to the MFA program in Art and Design. Permission of department required. Typically offered Fall, Spring.
Petronio Bendito, Ed.D., is a media artist, designer, and professor in the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance at Purdue University. Dr. Bendito’s creative and scholarly works investigate digital color literacy and the intersection of art, science, and technology. He is the author of the RGB/CMY Digital Color Wheel, which is a tool used for teaching digital color literacy. He is also a contributing writer for The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design based in the UK and serves as a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Visual Literacy, published by the Taylor & Francis Group. Through his artistic and design practice, he examines digital color design aesthetics and methods and media arts education. Dr. Bendito has collaborated extensively on interdisciplinary projects with professionals from various fields, including music, dance, choreography, theater, light design, mathematics, neuroscience, and computer science. He lectures and presents his work and collaborations internationally.
Dr. Bendito teaches digital media design and digital color, covering topics such as digital color methods and communication, visual storytelling, web and mobile user interfaces (UI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). Dr. Bendito is a faculty member in the Department of Art and Design and teaches in the Visual Communication Design program. He also serves as the co-curator for the Intersection of Art and Science exhibits in the Department of Computer Science and is the co-editor of the accompanying catalog.
Bendito's works have been cited in interdisciplinary publications, such as Image and Imagery (text by Elizabeth Mix; Corrado Federici (Ed.), 2005, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (2005); Les Entreprises Critiques (Rose Marie Barrientos, et al., 2008, Cité du Design, Paris); Consortium, No.100 in the article “Bridging The Math-Art Divide” (Sarah Williams and David Pier) by the COMAP, Inc. (Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications); A monography published by the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette, Indiana, titled Petronio Bendito: Digital Color, Algorithm and Expression (2014) includes essays by art historians Catherine Dossin and Elizabeth Mix. His works have also appeared in exhibition catalogs and academic papers.
Bendito is the recipient of several art awards including the International Visual Literacy Association Creative Achievement Award (2007), Best of Show/Digital Printmaking (2013), Indiana Arts Commission Grant (2013), Bank One Purchase Award (2004), Indiana Partnership for Statewide Education Award (2004), Indiana Partnership For Statewide Education Award (2004), VPA/Purdue Excellence in Teaching Award (2005), Puffin Foundation Artist Grant Award (2003), 15ht AVA Juried Annual Exhibition Award (2002) and WIRED magazine's Contest Winner 10.03/Return to Sender Postal Art (2002). His paper “Algorithmic Color Methods of Media Arts” (2023) published by the ACC Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage was previously recognized as a major contribution to color by the International Colour Association (AIC) 14th Congress, Milan.
Bendito is a former member of the Board of Directors of the International Visual Literacy Association, a former contributing editor for a Media-N, a founding member of the New Media Caucus, and a current reviewer and board member for the Journal of Visual Literacy. He is the co-editor of the Selected Readings of the Information Design International Conference (2009) and wrote a chapter for the Selected Reading of the 4th Information Design International Conference: Theories, Methods, and Applications (2011).