NOTICE: This grant program has been suspended temporarily. It will not be available for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 due to the current budget environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. It is our hope to have the program return in Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (if the budget allows). The announcement will be made via email if and when we have been informed the program will be restarted. Please submit questions and concerns to cla-adr@purdue.edu. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult and unprecedented times. Take care, and be well!
– CLA Office of Research and Graduate Education
2Teach will enable tenured faculty to expand their teaching with study in a second/related discipline and develop their undergraduate instruction capabilities to better align their own academic interests with the teaching needs of the College.
With significant percentages of undergraduate instruction delivered by graduate students, many faculty in the College have focused much of their teaching on graduate students, generally in areas tied to their own specialized research. As undergraduate teaching duties shift back to the faculty, it is critical that more faculty members in the College are equipped to provide excellent undergraduate instruction.
The College welcomes the possibility of instructional innovations that might result from this learning engagement. This program will be administered by the academic units with awards subject to approval by the Dean.
Deadlines for the Dean’s approval are normally October and March
With $100,000 annually, 2Teach will award $5,000 each for two faculty recipients in each of the College’s ten academic units. Funds will be in the form of supply and expense support for travel, equipment, software, and other similar expenses. It is expected that the recipients will be engaged in the classroom activities of the target course(s) by sitting in and observing, in addition to working closely with the instructor(s) on course materials and techniques.
For more information, contact the head of your department.