Liberal Arts Business Office
Business services and financial administration support are provided to Liberal Arts department heads by the business management organization. Within the overall structure of the University, the business managers function as liaisons between the academic areas and the central business offices (e.g. Purchasing, Accounting, Sponsored Program Services, Staff Benefits, Payroll, etc.). In this capacity, the business managers communicate department needs and facilitate faculty interaction with the central offices, serve as a source of information, and provide assistance to departments in interpretation and execution of University, state, and sponsoring agency financial policies, regulations, and procedures. The business managers are broadly responsible, in accordance with these policies and regulations, for: implementing and maintaining systems and procedures for payroll, personnel, and contract administration within the department; preparing and monitoring all budgets (both departmental and sponsored research); and assuring appropriate financial and budgetary accountability.
In their role as support staff to the department heads, the business managers provide management reports, analyses, and recommendations, as well as assist in preparation of the annual operating budget and long-range financial planning for the departments. They also supervise or direct account clerks who provide business services to department faculty and staff. Each department is assigned a business manager and an account clerk who handles daily business operations. Several departments share an account clerk who may not be housed in that same department. The business office is also responsible for the operation of the employment center and the purchasing center, where the tasks associated with payroll and procurement are performed.
University forms, policies, procedures, and processes may be accessed electronically by clicking here. This link also provides contact information and location of business offices within the college by department. Questions, clarifications, and concerns regarding the business office functions and staff may be addressed directly to Kirke Willing, kwillin@purdue.edu ,Director of Financial Affairs for the college.