Lori Czerwionka
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Lori Czerwionka, associate professor of languages and cultures, and her Global Engineering Alliance for Research & Education (GEARE) team—Kirsten Davis, Joe Tort, and our own Professor Gabriel Rios-Rojas—on being awarded a $149,549 NEH Humanities Connections Grant for their project to implement a curricular revision that better integrates humanistic method and inquiry into the Purdue engineering program.
This collaboration between SLC and GEARE has been in the works for several years. It began in 2020 with a NEH Planning Grant, which resulted in multiple research publications, and continued with creation of new courses: Humanities-Informed Engineering Projects, offered in both English and Spanish, and Cultural Engineering Research in Spanish (all primarily developed and taught by Rios-Rojas, a clinical assistant professor with a joint appointment in SLC-Spanish and GEARE).
This grant will allow the research and integrative curricular work in this area to continue with the help of two graduate research assistants and will facilitate the establishment of a related speaker series.
Congratulations, Professors Czerwionka, Rios-Rojas, and team!
David A. Reingold
Senior Vice President for Policy Planning
Justin S. Morrill Dean of Liberal Arts
Professor of Sociology
Purdue University