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College News Archive



In Print: Conceiving Christian America

In Print: Leibniz: Publications on Natural Philosophy

In Print: Beyond Empathy and Inclusion

In Print: The Middle English Book

Rocketmaker: the Boilermaker Who Built Purdue’s ‘Rocket Lab’

First-of-its-kind graduate course focuses on the fundamentals of cross-disciplinary research design

December - Natali Valdez


Winter Works 2023 Dance Concert

Shows like ‘Scandal’ and ‘Madam Secretary’ inspire women to become involved in politics in real life

Purdue Galleries Acquires an Iconic Piece of Campus Art History

In The News: How Cars Transformed Criminal Justice in the US

Generative AI like ChatGPT could help boost democracy – if it overcomes key hurdles

November - Ken Ferraro

November - J.P. Messina


In Print: 24/7 Politics

In Print: The Politics of German Idealism

In Print: The Rocket Lab

In Print: Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics

In Print: Private Censorship

In Print: Rules of the Road

Made By History: Professor Brownell to helm TIME’s new history column

October - Swati Srivastava

October - Kathryn Maxson Jones

October - Pedro Bassoe

October - Paul White