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In The News: Watch out for false claims of deepfakes, and actual deepfakes, this election year

Brookings publishes an article on AI-generated deepfakes co-written by Assistant Professors of Political Science Kaylyn Jackson Schiff and Daniel Schiff.

"Concerns are growing about the social and political impacts of deepfakes and generative AI, leading many to consider the risks during a global election year. Deepfakes, generative AI, and synthetic content are also receiving policy attention in the form of Biden’s Executive Order on AI and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s AI Safety Institute Consortium. This growing attention has resulted in decisions such as the Federal Communication Commission’s ban on AI-generated voices in robocalls and an agreement amongst Big Tech companies to label and limit, although not ban, AI-generated content on their platforms"

Read their full Brookings article here.

Banner and thumbnail image created using DALL-E, digital art interpretation of “researchers studying how to govern artificial intelligence.”

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