The Global Synergy Research program seeks to expand Purdue's research reputation in the arts, humanities, and social sciences by fostering global collaboration and innovation. petition the program will change to embrace the newly defined strategic research goals of the college.
The program provides financial support for three kinds of research projects:
(a) research proposed in collaboration with an individual faculty member at an international institution;
(b) collaborative projects between College of Liberal Arts faculty and faculty at an international institution; and
(c) collaborative projects at the institutional level involving the College of Liberal Arts and an international institution.
Preference will be given to projects creating partnerships in strategic geographic areas identified by the University, including Latin America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia; however, research projects engaging other regions will also be considered. Applications will be evaluated by a faculty committee which is appointed by the CLA Dean and served upon by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education. Other faculty inside or outside of the college will serve as ad hoc reviewers when their participation would give the committee the expertise needed for reviewing specific proposals. Previous award recipients should note that their status as return applicants may be taken into consideration.
In judging the proposals, reviewers will be asked to use several criteria:
(a) the quality of the applicants’ previous research in the social sciences, humanities, or arts;
(b) the potential for projects to make significant and original contributions to knowledge at a global level;
(c) the collaborative scope of the project from a global perspective;
(d) the potential for projects to enhance the visibility and reputations of the applicants, their departments, and the CLA; and
(e) the degree to which the projects would increase the applicants’ success in future applications for external funding.
All CLA tenured and tenure-track faculty who have plans for research projects in the social sciences, humanities, and the arts are eligible to apply. A faculty member may submit only one application per year.
Level of Funding:
The proposals may solicit up to $25,000 for one calendar year.
The starting date for funded projects will be January 1, and all funds must be expended by the last day of December (or the balance of funds returned to CLA).
Project Report:
All previous recipients of Internal Purdue CLA Research Grants must submit a brief 1- to 2-page report of the outcomes of their previous grants to the Associate Dean of Research in the CLA Office of Research and Graduate Education ( within 6 months of the close of their project period or before submitting another internal funding proposal. Reports must include information about all grant and fellowship proposals and awards submitted since the funded grant application as well as the status of any publications, exhibitions, presentations, and/or other outcomes of the funded project.
Previous recipients of Internal Purdue CLA Research Grant Awards greater than $10,000 must have subsequently submitted external grant/fellowship application requests that total at least $15,000 before another award may be granted for funding from the Enhancing Humanities, Exploratory Social Science or Global Synergy Grants programs.
Allowable Expenses:
Faculty may request funds for a wide variety of research expenses, including (but not limited to) the following:
- Travel for collaborative meetings
- Visits by collaborating faculty members from international institutions to Purdue
- Summer salary (or a summer fellowship)
- Travel to international research sites or archives with unique collections
- Expenses in mounting an artistic exhibition or preparing for a performance internationally
- Payments to graduate or undergraduate research assistants collaborating on the project
- Seminar, workshop, or conference funds when interchange, discussion, and argument are crucial for a project
Faculty are not required to prepare the budget through Pre-Award. Links will also be provided to aid faculty in estimating travel costs in accordance with Purdue policy. No funds will be provided for faculty salaries during the academic year.
(All travel activities should comply with current Purdue COVID and travel policies. Before applying, applicants should become familiar with current Protect Purdue and Travel policies.)
Submission Deadline: OCTOBER 17, 11:59 PM. See below for the submission link.
Submission Process:
The application will be submitted as a single PDF file via InfoReady (which is accessible by clicking on the APPLY HERE link below). Please write your proposal as a draft Word document in advance of starting the submission process. Your progress on the InfoReady form can be saved prior to submission. The sections of the proposal are listed below.
Before submission, please present a draft of your proposal to your department head, and get his or her approval. When you submit your proposal, the DH endorsement will be solicited as part of the submission process.
Please make sure you enter the Purdue Alias of your DH (if different from their email address; this can be checked via the Purdue Directory) – as InfoReady will not recognize anything other than PU Alias, and may fail to notify the DH of the need for endorsement.
GSRF applications should include the following:
- Project Title
- PI Name, Rank/Title, Department, and Expertise Area
- Co-PI Name(s), Rank(s)/Title(s), Departments, and Expertise Area(s)
- Short Bios or CVs for PI (and Co-PI or PIs, if applicable)
- Proposal body (maximum 30,000 characters - including spaces)
- Abstract (maximum 1,500 characters)
- Motivation/Significance (maximum 4,000 characters)
- Scientific Literature/Literature Review (maximum 6,500 characters)
- Research Questions or Goals (maximum 1,500 characters)
- Description of Work to be Accomplished (maximum 5,000 characters)
- Deliverable(s) (maximum 2,500 characters)
- Team Qualifications and Responsibilities (when >1 investigator) (max 2,500 characters)
- Work Timeline (with Dates and Descriptions) (maximum 1,500 characters)
- Bibliographical References (maximum 5,000 characters)
- Amount of Funding Requested
- Budget Table (available below)
- Budget Justification (available below)
- Future Work Description
- Grant Sources to be Solicited in the Future
- URL of Future Grant Solicitation (if available)
*Before submitting an application, please make sure you have updated the Primary Organization and Secondary Organization fields in your InfoReady User Profile!*
(Instructions for Updating InfoReady User Profile)
Budget instructions:
A budget worksheet and budget justification field will be embedded in the body of the form. To facilitate your budget drafting work, the following two documents demonstrate what to expect when you complete the form. The documents do not need to be uploaded or directly used in the form, only the final numbers for overall categories will be needed (Personnel, Fringe and Benefits, Other Expenses).
Budget Justification with Instructions
Also, this Budget Calculator can be used to determine the numbers for the budget.
For more budgeting information, view this CLA Internal Budgeting Workshop Video presented by Jessica Williams, Pre-Award Specialist III, of Sponsored Program Services.
For help related to the grant application process contact Mike Hicks, CLA Grants Coordinator, at