Join the College of Liberal Arts
Contact us about changing your majorReady to Declare a Liberal Arts Major? Just follow these steps:
- Research your degree options within the College of Liberal Arts
- Explore the unique opportunities that CLA offers
- Student notifies current academic advisor of desire to add CLA major or CODO to CLA major
- Current advisor submits curriculum change request (CODO)
- CLA representative reviews change request and approves or denies based on CODO requirements
- Student receives automated email confirming change has been approved
- Note:Email will be a form email from and may look like spam or end up in spam folder
- Student approves request in MyPurdue:Academic tab, Personal Information and "Review Your CODO Requests"
- CODO is processed by Registrar's Office and confirmation email is sent
- New CLA advisor sends welcome email
If you have any questions regarding adding a Liberal Arts major, please email