Degree in 3 Potential Savings
Based on Purdue's current rates for tuition, fees, and room and board, the following chart illustrates the potential cost savings of a three year degree for students. Individual circumstances will vary depending upon residency, living choices, study abroad, etc. Regardless, Degree in 3 offers a unique value option for students and their families.
Four-Year Costs: | Resident | Non-Resident | International |
Four years of tuition and fees | $39,968 | $115,176 | $123,176 |
Four years of room and board | $40,120 | $40,120 | $40,120 |
Total costs: | $80,088 | $155,296 | $163,296 |
Three-Year Costs: | Resident | Non-Resident | International |
Three years of tuition and fees | $29,976 | $86,382 | $92,382 |
Three years of room and board | $30,090 | $30,090 | $30,090 |
Two summers of tuition and fees | $5,001 | $14,402 | $15,402 |
Two summers of room and board | $6,000 | $6,000 | $6,000 |
Total costs: | $71,067 | $136,874 | $143,874 |
Potential Cost Savings: | $9,021 | $18,422 | $19,422 |