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Approved Textbook Update

April 08, 2019 Alisha Karabinus

As we prepare to shift to syllabus themes, we have also assessed and updated our list of approved textbooks. We have made a few changes to the structure of the list as well as removing textbooks that were seeing no or very little use.

In updating the textbook list, we first removed all the approach categories. Going forward, all textbooks are approved for all syllabus themes, though there may be particular textbooks that work better with particular themes. We did remove some textbooks that have seen no use or light use in the past several semesters. If this impacts you, please know there are options to reclaim any beloved textbook that may have been removed. We realize there are instructors returning to ICaP and this may be an issue.

With the switch to syllabus themes, we may find a need for new textbooks. We have asked the publishers to bring potential recommendations to the English Graduate Pedagogy Showcase on April 15th, and we would like to encourage people to pilot new books that they think will fit syllabus themes. Piloting a new text doesn’t take much effort (here are the policies and procedures), and allows instructors even greater flexibility in tailoring texts to their course.

Here’s the updated textbook list.