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Academic Advisors

Academic Advisors

Once you have been accepted to Purdue you are assigned to an undergraduate advisor. The English Department has two advisors:
Candace Tulore
Courtney Wilson

Their offices are located in the Liberal Arts Counseling Office in Young Hall, 10th floor. They can be reached at (765) 494-3670.

You will meet with an undergraduate advisor to decide what courses you want to take your first semester at Purdue. The first time you register will probably be when you come to campus for "STAR." Students who cannot visit campus personally may make individual arrangements with one of the advisers for a phone appointment to talk about classes. It is extremely important that you be prepared each time you register. Although your adviser can suggest classes, it is ultimately your education; you should read carefully the description of courses in the catalog and look for offerings in each edition of Purdue's course offerings.

After your first semester, you will need to meet with your advisor at least once a semester, when you register for classes. (Of course you are encouraged to meet with them more often for advice, help with study scheduling, career planning, or for answers to other departmental-related questions.) When registering, it is a good idea to prepare a possible schedule (with alternate choices) ahead of time in case classes are already full. The suggested arrangement of courses (listed along with each of the English major descriptions) can help you decide what you should register for. Remember, most of the core classes may be taken in any order you choose, so you do not need to feel obligated to use the suggested arrangement.