First-Year Learning Communities
Learning communities are a fast track to academic success, bringing students together for shared curriculum and extracurricular activities. Studies show that they help students earn better grades, make friends faster, and graduate at higher rates.
“Engaging English”
The study of English fosters adaptive thinking and creativity, curiosity about other times and places, and the ability to imagine alternatives to the status quo—basically, the skills necessary to navigate a complex world.
ENGL 195 Introducing English (1 credit)
ENGL 202 Engaging English (3 credits)
Our theme-based “Engaging English” learning community introduces students to the field of English, and provides foundational liberal arts skills. It teaches, for instance, critical and creative thinking, reading, and writing using a variety of textual media. It also initiates students into departmental and College of Liberal Arts resources such as the Writing Lab and the Career Center; provides them with a chance to get to know their fellow English majors; and lets them participate in “Big Read” events.
This learning community is available to first-year English majors and Exploratory Studies students.
English 202 fulfills the “Human Cultures – Humanities” University Core category, as well as the gateway requirement for the English major.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit the learning communities website here.