Recent PAIR Publications and Working Papers
Barton, Richard and Jesse M. Crosson. “Party Power in Nonpartisan Primaries.”
Carrington, Nathan T., and Logan Strother. “Does Use of the ‘Shadow Docket’ Affect Supreme
Court Legitimacy?”
Crosson, Jesse, Alexander Furnas Furnas, and Geoffrey Lorenz. “Pivots or Partisans? Proposal-Making Strategy and Status Quo Selection in Congress.” Accepted at Quarterly Journal of Political Science.
Crosson, Jesse M., Patricia A. Kirkland, and Mary A. Kroeger. “Group Bills and Polarized Policymaking: Evidence from Proposal Locations in the California State Legislature Related Literature Interest Groups in Legislative Politics.”
Crosson, Jesse M. “Progress or Principle? Partisan Competition, Bill Sponsorship, and Position-Taking in Congress.”
Crosson, Jesse M. and Michael Olson. “Divided, But By What? Parties, Preferences, and Policy Stasis.
Gibbs, Daniel, Jesse M. Crosson and Charles M. Cameron. “Message Legislation and the Politics of Virtue Signaling.”
Johnson, Ben, and Logan Strother. The Least Democratic Branch. Book Manuscript under Revise & Resubmit.
Johnson, Ben, and Logan Strother. “Shedding Light on the Roberts Court’s Shadow Docket.”
Johnson, Ben, Logan Strother, and Joan Timoneda. “Taking Justices’ Legal Preferences Seriously."
Johnson, Ben, Logan Strother, and Jake Truscott. “Predicting Supreme Court Justices’ Merits
Crosson, Jesse, M. and Jaclyn Kaslovsky. “Do Local Roots Impact Washington Behaviors? District Connections and Representation in the U.S. Congress.” Forthcoming at American Political Science Review.
Carrington, Nathan T., and Logan Strother. 2023. “Plugging the Pipe? Evaluating the (Null)
Effects of Leaks on Supreme Court Legitimacy.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 20(3):
Gadarian, Shana Kushner, and Logan Strother. 2023. “Institutional hybridity and policy-
motivated reasoning structure public evaluations of the Supreme Court.” PLOS ONE 18(11):
Dichio, Michael, Logan Strother, and Ryan Williams. 2022. “‘To Render Prompt Justice’: The
Origin and Construction of the United States Court of Claims.” Studies in American Political
Development 36(2): 120-137.
Strickland, James and Jesse Crosson. “K Street on Main: How Legislative Institutionalization Cultivates a Professional Lobbying Elite.” 2022. Political Science Research & Methods.
Crosson, Jesse M. 2021. “Extreme Districts, Moderate Winners: Same-Party Competition in Washington and California's Top-Two Primaries.” Political Science Research and Methods.
Johnson, Ben, and Logan Strother. 2021. “The Supreme Court’s (Surprising?) Indifference to
Public Opinion.” Political Research Quarterly 74(1): 18-34.
- Winner of the American Political Science Association’s Law & Courts Section
2020 Best Conference Paper Award
Strother, Logan. 2021. “Rethinking Supreme Court Power in the Study of Judicial Impact.”
Law & Policy 43(4): 348-367.
Strother, Logan, and Colin Glennon. 2021. “An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of
Supreme Court Justices’ Public Rhetoric on Perceptions of Judicial Legitimacy.” Law & Social
Inquiry 46(2): 435-454.
Tsebelis, George and Jesse M. Crosson. 2021. “Multiple Vote Electoral Systems: A Remedy for Political Polarization.” Journal of European Public Policy.
Crosson, Jesse, Alexander C. Furnas, Timothy LaPira, and Casey Burgat. 2020. “Ideological Sabotage, Party Competition, and the Decline in Congressional Capacity.” 2020, Legislative Studies Quarterly.
- Winner of the 2022 Best Paper on Effective Lawmaking, from the the Center for Effective Lawmaking