Leadership and Learning Opportunities
Students in Art Education have multiple opportunities to develop their leadership knowledge and skills. They hold offices in university clubs and student organizations and are given leadership training by the office of Purdue Student Organizations and by the Purdue Business Office of Student Organizations. They use their leadership training and skills in community service programs and in their art teaching.
Student Organizations and Clubs
Students in Art Education participate in the Purdue Student National Art Education Association (PSNAEA) professional organization. PSNAEA is an affiliate of the National Art Education Association. PSNAEA received the NAEA Outstanding Student Chapter Award for its exemplary programming, community service, and national leadership. PSNAEA provides students opportunities to learn about the professional responsibilities of art educators and to participate in educational programming and activities, such as lesson plan exchanges, exhibits, field trips, guest speakers, social events, and other activities with students in Art Education and professionals from the art education community.
Exhibitions & Competition Awards
Each year students in Art Education participate in the annual Purdue Student Art Education Association Exhibit in the Rueff Galleries. They also exhibit their artwork in the annual Undergraduate Exhibit sponsored by the Department of Art and Design. Artwork by students in Art Education regularly has been included in exhibits at Westwood, home of the president of Purdue University. In each of these exhibitions, students in Art Education have received awards and other recognition for their art.
Undergraduate Exhibition and Awards
Each year the Art Education program provides cash awards to students who have achieved exemplary scholarship, leadership, and service records. The Ralph Beelke Award is given to selected senior students who have demonstrated potential for making significant contributions to the field of art education through their teaching, learning, and service. This annual award is the most prestigious recognition given to exemplary students in the Art Education program .
The Purdue Undergraduate Exhibition is an annual exhibit in which all students from the department of Art and Design have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in this juried exhibit held in the Rueff Galleries on the Purdue campus. Art Education students have been honored with awards and recognition for their artwork and skills as accomplished artists and educators.
Study Abroad
Students in Art Education are encouraged to explore and learn about the art, culture, and educational systems used in various countries around the world. Students have opportunities to participate in the Purdue University Study Abroad Program. Participating students may receive funds provided on a competitive basis by Purdue University.
Art Education students participate in volunteer community art education programs in schools and community arts centers as part of their involvement in the Purdue Student Art Education Association (PSNAEA). They provide art instruction in afterschool programs, at local museums, and at Purdue University Springfest activities. They have the additional opportunity to participate in the Purdue University ArtCart Program which provides art learning experiences for preschool through high school students in public schools, arts festivals, and community arts centers.
Art Teacher Professional Days by Purdue Galleries
The Purdue Galleries present annual Art Teacher Professional Days in the fall. Art teachers in regional K-12 programs are invited to join us for daylong sessions describing the upcoming year of exhibitions and events. Included are presentations on the exhibits displayed at that time, an introduction and hands-on activity connected to the next participatory exhibition in our schedule, discussions of the potential for Galleries involvement in on-site class presentations, and a review of some of our permanent collection holdings. Complimentary parking passes are provided for all participants.