The Department of Art and Design supports a Visual Resources Center (VRC) which is staffed by one librarian. The primary function of this collection is to supply visual resources and research assistance to meet the teaching and research needs of the Department of Art and Design.
170,000 analog slides and 28,150 digital images
The VRC collection evolved as a browsing collection of slides using a natural language system of organization. The image collection consists of approximately 170,000 analog slides, and 28,150 digital images (cataloged in a Filemaker Pro database). The VRC creates slides and original digital images, scans slides and photographs, as well as licenses content while observing fair use copyright best practices as endorsed by the Visual Resources Association in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law. We endorse the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts published by the College Art Association. Currently, access to the collection is through browsing and searching onsite until conversion to web application is completed.
MFA Catalogs, Books, Magazines, Videos..
Other materials in the resource center include books, reference materials, media in analog and digital formats with the predominant subject emphasis on art and art history related topics. The VRC subscribes to selected journals and magazines which are very specific to our curriculum to facilitate research by faculty and students in the course of their studio and teaching practices. We support the documentation of student work and exhibitions and maintain IP restricted study pages on the web that are image/media intensive for use by studio and art history courses. We house the theses and directed project/non-theses materials produced by the Art and Design MFA program graduate students (and some earlier MA submissions). The VRC also engages in video documentation, which includes events, exhibitions, lectures, classes, demonstrations, etc., the creation of original video works to promote our programs and support our mission, and maintains an archives. The VRC librarian is responsible for the VPA YouTube channel, creating content, and doing the updating and maintenance of it.
Research And Teaching Support
Upon request the VRC librarian will engage with classes or one-on-one instruction to assist students in understanding aspects of working with images as information related to the surrogate image: description/ access points, standards such as structured vocabularies, technical aspects of digital images, documentation, copyright issues and fair use guidelines and where to find good free images online.
The VRC is a collaborative learning space where students can meet with professors, work together and access curated materials tailored for course needs. Under development for art history students in particular: creation of a materials collection for students to reference: videos showing techniques and physical examples. Teaching imaging skills which will help to facilitate knowledge students will need when entering the job market. Future development: creating personal databases for managing images, create online exhibits and projects, etc.
Kathy Evans
Visual Resources Librarian
PAO 3121F
NOTE: This website is under construction with updated information on digital policies and remote access to the database and images in progress.