Free A&D Mailing List Subscription
We Encourage A&D Information Sharing
In an attempt to encourage better communication in the department of Art and Design, a mailing list has been created where one can post all matters of interest about art, design, and related topics at Purdue. By subscribing to this list you will receive information on announcements, events, opportunities, deadlines, lectures, gallery openings, etc.
Who Should Subscribe
This list is for all students, faculty, and staff within A&D but others can subscribe to it who would be interested in the information. It will be moderated. You will need to subscribe to post and receive, and no one will subscribe you to it.
How to Join/Unsubscribe
Go to the web address below and enter your contact information:
List Moderator
Please direct any questions to Kathy Evans: kathy@purdue.edu
Please share this mailing list information with those you think would be interested! Download the listserv pdf here