Textbooks Information
Textbook information is listed in Schedule of Classes/Class Schedule Search. NOTE: Textbook information is subject to be changed at any time at the discretion of the faculty member. If you have questions or concerns please contact the academic department.
Purdue Student Store on Amazon
Purdue has collaborated with Amazon to provide convenient access to an online store designed specifically for Purdue students enrolled on the West Lafayette campus. Students can shop for individual textbooks by following links from their myTextbooks page within myPurdue, or they can visit the Purdue Store on Amazon for more details.
- PMU - (765) 743-2436
- KRCH - (765) 743-2338
E-mail: amazon-purdue@amazon.com
Local Campus Bookstores
University Bookstore
360 W State St.
Follett's Bookstore
Purdue West Location
1400 West State Street
Von's Books
319 West State Street