Guidelines For Use Of Legacy Slide Collection: Circulation Policies
The Slide Collection is a teaching resource supported by the School of Visual and Performing Arts. The primary function of this collection is to supply visual resources to meet the teaching needs of the faculty in the Department of Art and Design. With approval from the VRC librarian, faculty from other Purdue University departments may use the collection.
The following circulation policies have been established to ensure that the slides are available to as many users as possible, with priority given to faculty in the Department of Art and Design. Special requests for use of the collection that are not covered in the policies outlined below may be made to the VRC Librarian.
The Visual Resources Center is staffed by one part-time librarian and student assistants who are trained to monitor and help control collection use. These staff members will assist borrowers in the use of the collection, locating slides, checking slides in and out. All faculty users must select and pull their own slides from the files. After selection, slides are to be checked out by loading them into plastic slide sheets (available at the desk) and making a photocopied record of the borrowed slides.
Slides from this collection may not be reproduced in any form by individuals, departments, or institutions. It is implicit in the lending of slides that the borrower agrees not to authorize duplication or reproduction of these slides and assumes all responsibility for that restriction.
Loan period is for 2 weeks.
All slides must be checked out with either a photocopy record made of the borrowed slides, or, if this is not possible a written account of what was taken, citing borrower's name, the date, the artist and titles of works by that artist. If you have more than one artist or category list them separately. Leave the record on the desk.
Circulation records must be cleared at the end of each semester with the slide curator. Slides do not circulate between semesters.
Same as above, but slides may be checked out for 24 hours only, and must be returned after the lecture, or presentation.
Undergraduate students can access the materials in the library when accompanied by their instructor. They do not have borrowing privileges.
Slides will be available for borrowing to use in student teaching; however, this privilege does not extend for use in his or her other university classes.
Up to 50 slides may be checked out for a period of 24 hours.
Failure to comply will result in a loss of borrowing privileges.
All slides must be returned promptly.
There will be fines for lost or damaged slides.
Use of the Visual Resources Center has been granted as a courtesy to the other Purdue University faculty members.
Borrowers must be current university faculty members. Loans are made only for university-sponsored classroom lectures, seminars, and special lectures.
Slides are for on-campus use only.
Users must have a card kept on file at the desk. Only the faculty member whose name appears on the card may use the collection.
Users are expected to select and pull their own slides.
All slides must be checked out. Up to 50 slides may be checked out at one time.
Slides may leave the collection only for a period of 24 hours.
These provisions are for faculty members only. Students (other than teaching assistants) wishing to use slides from this collection for classes outside of the Art and Design Department may do so only by having the faculty member teaching the class come to the Visual Resources Center and check out the slides for them and return them ( under the provisions for non-art faculty). Faculty members are asked not to send students to the Visual Resources Center Slide Collection to browse in the files, or to check out slides. A note from the supervising faculty member is not acceptable for student use of the collection.
Persons teaching regularly scheduled classes in OTHER DEPARTMENTS on PURDUE UNIVERSITY'S campus may use the slide collection under the same provisions as those for FACULTY from OTHER DEPARTMENTS.
Persons in the Department of Art and Design or other departments may make a request to use slides by having a member of the faculty from the sponsoring department make prior arrangements with the curator. Up to 50 slides may be borrowed for a period of 24 hours and should be returned promptly.
Guidelines for Visual Resources Center Library Use: A.K.A. HOW TO CHECK OUT SLIDES
After deciding what you want to check-out. Please place slides, label information on top (regardless of the orientation of the image), in the plastic sheets kept in a rack near the check- in drawers. Photocopy your slides with the photocopier setting reduced to 96%. This way label information is not cut off. Please put your name and the date on the back and give sheet(s) to the person on duty in the slide library. They are filed under your name in a check out file.
When you return slides we ask that you unload them from the plastic sheet(s) (assuming you might have taken them in one) and place them in a drawer in the return area. Find your name card in the file box next to it and put in drawer with your slides. Replace the plastic sheets on the rack.
Just a reminder: Slide check-out period for faculty and graduate assistants is 2 weeks. Please return as soon as you are finished using them to give others access.
Protocol for Handling Slides and Using Light Tables
Slides should always be treated with extreme care, especially since many of them are currently unprotected by glass. They are expensive and fragile items which react to any change in humidity or temperature (including prolonged projection).
Please do not:
- leave slides exposed to projector lights for long periods of time. (Controlled tests have proved that after only two minutes of sustained projection some slides exhibit measurable fading--especially red dyes).
- eat food while working with slides (also a great way to pick up someone's cold from handling the same materials)
- try to force slides into a projector if they stick
- keep slides in an uncontrolled environment (e.g. your office, your car, your kitchen table, your back pocket) for a long period of time.
- tamper with the slide mounts or labels (as in indulging in "pencil wars" with colleagues who disagree with an attribution)
- touch the slide film surface with your fingers. Handle the slide by the paper mount only if unglazed
- please do not project slides as images for your students to copy or trace. This is very hard on the film. We have some "extra" slides for that purpose. Please inquire.
The light tables in the Slide Library are meant for slide viewing only and are not to be used for tracing images, as work tables etc. Please advise your students.
Foam pads (located on the far right top of the main bank of slide files) should be placed underneath a drawer of slides when browsing through a drawer on a light table. The Plexiglas tops scratch easily.
Please don't set heavy backpacks, briefcases, wet umbrellas, etc. on the light tables.
No food or drinks on the light tables, please.
To avoid the panic attack that may overtake an instructor when the slide carousel refuses to budge (with all those trusting eyes watching), do a little preemptive inspection. For most glitches it is the carousel that is the culprit.
Check for teeth. It's not rude. The aging carousel might be missing a few teeth. If so, it won't advance. Don't be heroic. Get another one.
The carousel is placed on the projector and it won't engage properly. Is the metal plate in a "lock position" (the slot lines up with zero, and a tab locks it in place)? Turn empty carousel over. (If it's full, be sure the locking ring is secured or they'll dump out.) Rotate the plate until locked. This will enable the carousel to engage with the projector to advance. This lock position will also prevent you from leaving a trail of slides as you walk down the hall, with your carousel merrily rotating away-opening up slot after slot from which slides plummet onto the concrete. This also applies to the last slide you show in a lecture. If you release the carousel from the projector without rotating it forward, you will likely leave the orphan in the machine.
A slide refuses to eject from the projector (AKA "stuck slide"), simply go to the center of the carousel where the projector's release is located and push the tab in the direction of the arrow. You should be able to lift up the carousel. But, remember that the carousels bottom metal plate is not in a starting zero position, so it is free to wander around until corrected by turning it so the slot lines up with zero and locks. You may have an older projector without "the arrow" release. You may only see a slot. Borrow a nickel if you don't have a screwdriver and turn it to release the carousel.
Not all 80 slot carousels are alike. The universal 2 will accommodate the really old fat slides in the plastic gray binders or the glass sandwich mounts shrouded in black electrical tape. The standard 80 slide carousel will take the skinnier slides. So if you are crusin' with the oldie slides or doing a mix, get a universal 2 (it is indicated on the box in which they are stored in the photocopier room.
Maybe it's not the carousel, maybe it's the projector that is haywire. A few things to consider. The older projectors emit a light when they are turned on, the newer ones don't. With a newer machine you will see internal light from the bulb, so there is some light visible. If you see no light, perhaps your bulb is blown. With an older machine your power cord may be loose.
After running the machine do not do good deeds like running the fan to cool off the bulb. The bulb cools off too quickly from the fan and this will shorten its life. We use lower wattage bulbs which gives an increased projection life. The fan will abbreviate that already expensive short life.