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Religious Studies Courses

Religious Studies Plan of Study minor

Religious Studies Plan of Study major

Fall 2022  

REL 20100-001  Interpretation of the New Testament - Angelica Duran
REL 20200-001 Interpretation of the Old Testament - Sandor Goodhart
REL 20300-001  Theology of Paul - Thomas Ryba
REL 23000-001  Religions of the East - Ashley Purpura
REL 23100-001  Religions of the West - Thomas Ryba
REL 31700-001  Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity - TBA
REL 35100-001  Christian Mysticism - Ashley Purpura
REL 49100-001  Rhetorics of Religion - Thomas Rickert


Spring 2022  

REL 20000-001  Introduction to the Study of Religion
Instructor:  Dr. Ashley Purpura

REL 2300-001  Religiions of the East
Instructor:  Dr. Ashley Purpura

REL 23100-001  Religions of the West
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Ryba

REL 31800-001  The Bible and It's Early Interpreters
Instructor: Dr. Stuart Robertson

REL 45100-001  Christology
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Ryba


Fall 2021  

REL 204  Introduction to Christian Theology
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Ryba

REL 230  Religions of the East
Instructor:  Dr. Ashley Purpura

REL 231  Religions of the West
Instructor:  Dr. Thomas Ryba

REL 450  Christian Ethics
Instructor:  Dr. Ashley Purpura


Spring 2021  

REL 200-001  Introduction to the Study of Religion
CRN: 19894
T/TH  12:00-1:15
Instructor: Daniel W Smith

REL 230-001  Religions of the East
CRN: 11348
Crossed w/ PHIL 230 (11347)
MWF  12:30-1:20
Instructor: Thomas Ryba

REL 231-001  Religions of the West
CRN: 10592
Crossed w/ PHIL 231(10243)
MWF 1:30-2:20
Instructor: Thomas Ryba

REL 318-001  The Bible and Its Early Interpreters
CRN: 24520
T/TH  3:00-4:15
Instructor: Stuart Robertson


Spring 2020 OFFERINGS

CLCS 386: Ancient Greek Religion
Dr. Keith Dickson

A study of the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Greeks.  We will learn how they understood, represented, and related to their gods.  We will see how they legitimized their world in terms of a transcendent order.  We will ask if their use of the sacred influences modern Western religious behavior.