Andrew Flachs

Promoted to Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Andrew Flachs earned dual Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts degrees at Oberlin College and a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis. In 2016-17, he was a Volkswagen Exchange Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Heidelberg University Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies.
Flachs researches food and agriculture systems, exploring genetically modified crops, heirloom seeds, and our own microbiomes. His work among farmers in North America, the Balkans, and South India investigates ecological knowledge and technological change in agricultural systems spanning Cleveland urban gardens and Indian GM cotton fields.
His research has been supported by public and private institutions including the Department of Education, the National Geographic Society, the American Institute of Indian Studies, and the Volkswagen Foundation, while his writing on agricultural development has been featured in numerous peer-reviewed publications, the Global Health Hub, and National Geographic magazine. Among the awards Flachs has won are the Political Ecology Society’s Eric Wolf Prize and the American Anthropological Association’s Robert M. Netting Award for research in agriculture.