Learning and Cultural Resources
At Purdue University, learning and cultural opportunities, both on campus and in the community, strengthen the student's learning experience via self-motivated and instructor-led extra-curricular activities.
Local and Campus Cultural Opportunities
Purdue Arts and Ideas - Educational. Inspirational. Awesome. Here you'll find cultural centers, theatres, art galleries — and that's just the beginning. Discover for yourself how entertainment and education combine in powerful ways at Purdue.
Purdue Galleries - The Purdue University Galleries offer a variety of art forms and exhibits throughout the year, featuring artwork from regional, national and international artists as well as the Galleries permanent collection.
Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries - The Rueff Galleries have the unique perspective of being a teaching and research space for students and faculty of the Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts at Purdue.
Purdue Convocations - Convocations brings a diverse array of world-class performances and intellectual encounters.
Purdue News - Check the calendar for current events happening on campus.
Purdue Library On-Site and Online Exhibitions - Through internal and external partnerships, Archives and Special Collections has created a number of digital exhibitions to highlight the scope, content, and varied nature of our collections. Visit the online exhibits listed below to explore a part of Purdue history.
Lafayette/West Lafayette Visitors' Guide - Learn about Greater Lafayette, home of Purdue University.
Art Museum of Greater Lafayette - The museum features exhibitions in five different galleries, including its permanent collection.
Campus Research and Cultural Centers
The Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center
Bruce Rogers - Typographer's Special Collection
Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Center
Native American Educational and Cultural Center
Envision Center for Data Perceptualization

Media Centers and Galleries
ZKM - Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany Museum of international new media & contemporary art, including video, audio & interactive installations.
HeK – House of Electronic Arts Basel, Switzerland HeK is dedicated to digital culture and the new art forms of the information age. It is a place for creative and critical discourse on the aesthetic, socio-political and economic impact of media technologies.
Wood Street Galleries (USA) - Wood Street Galleries features new media artists from around the globe.
Center for PostNatural History (USA) - The Center for PostNatural History is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge relating to the complex interplay between culture, nature, and biotechnology. Pittsburgh, PA.
Center for Land Use Interpretation (USA) - Research organization involved in exploring, examining, and understanding land and landscape issues.
Museum of Jurassic Technology (USA) - Collection of microscopic sculpture & other eccentric curiosities in art, science & natural history.
Note: Descriptions extracted verbatim or slightly modified from the sources.