Does Gender Still Matter?
October 22 through December 2, 2007
Robert L. Ringel Gallery, PMU
In response to a national call for artworks examining the role of gender in contemporary society, “Does Gender Still Matter?” includes constructs of masculinity, femininity, androgyny, etc. from eight intriguing artists.
Included are: transsexual photo portraits by Mariette Pathy-Allen (New York, NY); gum bichromate prints from the “Dude, it’s Superman” series by Chung (Fanky) Chak (Cranford, NJ); ghostly stitched C-prints of full-length figures by Elizabeth Crisman (Baltimore, MD); mockingly sweet sculptural installations representing a tomboy-huntress fantasy by Kimberley Hart (Brooklyn, NY); anonymous clothed figure imagery by Lauren O’Neal (Cambridge, MA); an emasculated pink toy truck sculpture by Christina Pitsch (Manchester, NH); a narcissistic body self-examination video by David Politzer (Syracuse, NY); and imaginative cartoon-like heroic toy amalgams by Andrew Wodzianski (Washington, DC).
Artists in the exhibit were selected from over 200 nationwide entries by Elizabeth K. Mix, contemporary art historian at Butler University, Indianapolis, Rosanne Altstatt, continuing lecturer in Art & Design at Purdue University, and Galleries director Craig Martin.