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PSRL Author Recognition Reception at the RLA 2000

book display at PSRL author Recognition Reception at the RLA

On October 13, 2000, PSRL hosted a reception to honor its authors. The event was held in Stewart Center at Purdue University during the twelfth annual Purdue University Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, and Film (RLA). All twenty-three authors were invited, and, happily, six were able to attend.

Over refreshments, authors and editors met face to face for the first time. The room was crowded as conference-goers joined in the occasion. A brief program opened with book presentations of the two most recent publications. Mariselle Meléndez (Purdue University) discussed Constructing the "Criollo" Archive by Antony Higgins, and Graziella Parati (Dartmouth College) spoke on The Pleasure of Writing, a collection of papers about Dacia Maraini edited by Rodica Diaconescu-Blumenfeld and Ada Testaferri. Also highlighted were books by Deborah Lesko Baker, The Subject of Desire; Robert T. Corum, Jr., Reading Boileau; Dale J. Pratt, Signs of Science; and María Pilar Rodríguez, Vidas im/propias. The authors of these books were all present (with the exception of Dr. Blumenfeld), and they were introduced. Forced to cancel at the last minute were Mario Cesareo, author of Cruzados, mártires y beatos; Rodica Diaconescu-Blumenfeld, already mentioned; and Geoffrey Ribbans, author of Conflicts and Conciliations, all of whom, with the remaining authors, were greatly missed. Hosting the event were the six PSRL editors: Floyd Merrell, series editor; editors Jeanette Beer, Paul Dixon, Howard Mancing, and Allen Wood; and Susan Clawson, production editor.

Baker, Pratt, Higgins, Corum, with their books

Six of PSRL's 23 authors and six editors met for the first time at the recent author recognition reception.

Holding copies of their books: Deborah Lesko Baker, The Subject of Desire; Dale J. Pratt, Signs of Science (holding page proofs of his forthcoming book); Antony Higgins, Constructing the "Criollo" Archive; Robert T. Corum, Jr., Reading Boileau.

Authors and editors who had been a voice on the phone or e-mail acquaintances enjoyed meeting face to face at last at PSRL's author recognition reception.

Pictured at right: María Pilar Rodríguez, Vidas im/propias; Ada Testaferri, co-editor of The Pleasure of Writing.

Rodriguez, Testaferri

Photos courtesy of Rita Rud, SLC writer/editor.

PSRL books may be ordered from the publisher, Purdue University Press.

Last updated August 11, 2009.

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