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Program Summary AY24-25

Foundational Credit Courses

PLaCE offers two courses for undergraduate international students to prepare them for the academic, linguistic, and cultural competencies needed to participate in university life and to compete for graduate school and employment opportunities:

  • SCLA 110: Language and Cultural Exchange I: Self in Context
  • SCLA 111: Language and Cultural Exchange II: Texts and Contexts
More directly, these courses prepare students for the Cornerstone sequence of courses (SCLA 101 and 102).


In the fall 2024 semester:

  • 311 undergraduate students enrolled in 25 sections of SCLA 110 at West Lafayette and 55 students in 6 sections of SCLA 110 at Indianapolis.
  • 25 students enrolled in three sections of SCLA 111 at West Lafayette.

Fall 2024 marked the first semester that PLaCE offered SCLA 110 on Purdue's Indianapolis campus.

Visit our Student Spotlight map to get to know some of the outstanding international students who participated in PLaCE courses during the 2024⁠–25 academic year.

Non-Credit Short Courses

Coming soon...

Language Testing for Program Evaluation and Course Placement Decision-Making

In the fall 2024 semester, PLaCE staff proctored a total of 313 ACE-In tests (our in-house internet-based English proficiency test) and administered 284 Vocabulary Size Test (note: VST is a publicly available internet-based tests on receptive vocabulary knowledge).

Per request from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, one pre-admissions candidate was accommodated with an ACE-In test for secondary screening of her academic English proficiency for college admission.

Outreach Language Development Programs

Coming soon...

Staff Achievements

In fall 2024, PLaCE staff gave four academic presentations at regional or international conferences. These contributed to the new total of 74 presentations and publications about PLaCE since program establishment.