Sam Simpson
General Communication
WtHR Channel 13

How has your internship helped build skills and clarify your career goals?
When I started my internship I thought I wanted to be a reporter, but as I worked more and more I learned that producing is what I love to do. My internship helped me discover what my true passion was in news.
How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills in your internship?
A lot of what I learned in my classes at Purdue prepared me for what the "real news" world is like.
Describe your typical day as an intern.
My day starts at 9:30 with a morning meeting to talk about what is going on in the news world that day. Once our meeting is done, I go and sit with the producers and help them write whatever they need for the 5:00 and 6:00 newscast. Then I go and sit with them in the production booth while the show is going on.
What was the most challenging aspect of your internship?
The most challenging part about my internship is the constant changing. Every day is different and something is always changing that you need to learn.
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The most exciting part of my day is getting to see my work on TV at the end of the day.
What surprised you most about your internship?
What has surprised me the most about this internship is how much I am actually doing. Daily, I am writing things that go on air which I never thought would be possible as an intern.
Describe the most meaningful experience you had as an intern.
The most meaningful experience I have had this summer is just the opportunity to learn. Everyone is always willing to help me or check over my work and give me critiques. That is the only way I can get better.