Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference
The Department is proud to support our award-winning chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honor Society. In addition to holding events and bringing in both internal and externals speakers to talk about all things political science (from elections to law school to how to write a resume), our Delta Omega chapter always looks forward to the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference in Washington.
Pi Sigma Alpha student leadership worked with Faculty Advisor Melissa Will to highlight the importance of undergraduate research in 2023-2024. They brought in several speakers to talk about undergraduate research and opportunities to present it, including in both undergraduate journals and research conferences. Five members had papers accepted to the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference in Washington DC over President’s Day Weekend. Professor Will worked with presenters on both papers and presentations. Topics ranged from the significance of race in congressional staffing to transnational advocacy networks to relocation incentives in Alaska. The Department pleased to send our presenters, Professor Will, and six underclassmen to participate in the conference as observers. Early exposure to undergraduate research, inevitably encourages these observers to both participate in research and consider participating in Purdue’s DC programs.
In addition to participating in the two-day conference, Purdue members visited monuments and the National Portrait Gallery, learned about Washington from Professor Will, and had informational interviews about possible internships and jobs.
Purdue always stands out at the DC conference for both our excellent presentations and our commitment to our undergraduates. We hope to continue this in the future!