Rhonda Pavicich

BA 1991, Communication
Marketing Consultant, Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
Rhonda credits Communications and Purdue as the catalysts to unlocking her career in the pharmaceutical industry. As a Marketing Director, she helped launch two start-up companies and introduced six prescription drugs to the US healthcare community. She’s also been involved in start-ups and product launches from sales as a pharmaceutical and medical device representative.
While at Purdue, Rhonda discovered her path which wound through Engineering before leading to her true calling in Communications. This academic adventure led her to become an advocate for the role of Liberal Arts in a well-rounded education. To help fund her education, she worked at the HSSE Library and at the Exponent in advertising sales with the thought of one day going into advertising. That did not happen.
Shortly after graduation and with no real experience or connections, Rhonda searched for a “foot-in-the-door.” She found it with a small pharmaceutical company outside of Chicago where she convinced the VP to take a chance on her. He was impressed seeing Purdue on her resume. She started in customer service and gained experience and knowledge in every aspect of the business. Thanks to Purdue and that break in 1991, she’s enjoying an incredible journey in pharmaceutical marketing where she gets to help companies educate patients and providers about various disease states and therapies.
Helping others is important which is why she is an active volunteer with various organizations and serves as Board President for the nonprofit, Donka, Inc. which provides computer training and job readiness services to people with disabilities.
Rhonda enjoys getting back to campus with her husband, Steve (BS 1990, Accounting), anytime they can. Whether it’s to help students or attend games, they proudly support all things Purdue.